Trade Guardian Shower-Thought


A member who submitted an ID card.
United States
Multiple Accounts
I don't know why but it was late at 12AM, I was taking a shower and I thought about a member that told me something on here..

I used to think you could have FA to an account, but they told me any account is recoverable by the Original Owner, which I just started binge reading stories of accounts being taken back.

That made me wonder, none of the MM's can really do anything to prevent this.

Shouka- I think his name was told me a good quote, when you buy a product you don't own it, - you're just buying the person's trust for a price.

The only account that I know has 0 ways to be taken back in any way is a Microsoft account-

Why do you guys think people use mm's?

Is it because they're able to identify scams better than the average person -? Seems like it's not really the case as there's no way to identify someone's intentions

Maybe it makes people feel more comfortable

Or do people not care if an account is recalled and wish to play on it for a bit before it recalled.

Anyways, just some thoughts. Cause if you're buying from a scammer, you will face sadness right after the transaction. However I think the person would be even more sad if 6 months later the account is recalled.

The Integrity

Approved Middleman for Trade Guardian. Non-employee.
Verified ID, 50+ feedback, member 1+ year.
A member who submitted an ID card.
EpicMember Upgrade
A member that has upgraded their account.
Global Moderator
Most scams are actually non-deliveries and not account recalls. You pay for something and get blocked instead of getting the account you paid for.

- A middleman ensures the delivery of the correct item that's advertised.

Plus there are many less aparent benefits of using a middleman that all contribute to a safe transaction:

  • MMs have access to tools and information that allow them to do a thorough background check on a user that you couldn't do on your own. A user's known emails, usernames, phone numbers, IP addresses and payment info are checked against a huge database, which could reveal a link with another user and/or a known scammer.

  • Any info that we encounter on the account is also checked. Things like emails and phone number appearing as recovery info on the OG email account provided as part of the trade. Support tickets history of the game account is examined for things like bans and recalls. Any emails, phone numbers and usernames mentioned inside those tickets are also checked.

  • Player ID, username and email (if unchangeable) of accounts sold through TG are logged. If it gets recalled, the same account cannot be sold again through TG as it would reveal a link with the previous seller. This prevents a scammer from flipping a high value account multiple times.

  • MMs are aware of many tricks and exploits with email and game account management that could be used to recover an account after the trade without it actually being a regular recall through support.

  • We have intuition to spot when people are lying or hiding something. When going through thousands of transactions, you begin to notice patterns of scammer behavior vs regular user and this gives you that "gut feeling" when someone seems sketchy.

So even though we cannot prevent a recall from happening, we can significantly reduce the chance of it happening by filtering out the people that would be more likely to do a recall.