This guide will show you how to change Genshin email and password
In the last 2 months maybe you noticed an error when you attempt to change your Genshin email and password [too many attempts error]
There is a solution to solve that problem.
If you are buying an account please ask the seller to show you the current email. Register a similar email but add one extra character, can be a number or letter, but can be a different provider. For example, if the current email is [email protected] you have to register [email protected]. If email is not available try with another letter or number. Ask the seller to change the account to this email.
Next step, log in to Hoyoverse website and try to change the email.
If you have a similar issue with a password, you will have to use VPN, pick the seller's country, and if possible close to their town. In case this does not work on some popular VPNs via computer devices, you can use mobile, download some free VPN on Google play store and use it.
In the last 2 months maybe you noticed an error when you attempt to change your Genshin email and password [too many attempts error]
There is a solution to solve that problem.
If you are buying an account please ask the seller to show you the current email. Register a similar email but add one extra character, can be a number or letter, but can be a different provider. For example, if the current email is [email protected] you have to register [email protected]. If email is not available try with another letter or number. Ask the seller to change the account to this email.
Next step, log in to Hoyoverse website and try to change the email.
If you have a similar issue with a password, you will have to use VPN, pick the seller's country, and if possible close to their town. In case this does not work on some popular VPNs via computer devices, you can use mobile, download some free VPN on Google play store and use it.
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