
  1. 🚨Aion Retail NA Assassin Elyos🚨

    🚨WTS Aion account very cheap🚨 🕹️-⚔️Assassin⚔️ main account with total of 12 characters (11 alts)🚨 🚥Main character🚥 -👾+9 Paragon Dagger of Desp. -👾Full Assassin's Fighting Spirit Gear +15. -👾Empyrean's Lord Relic lvl +214 -👾Full (Advanced) Assassin Stigma Set completed. -👾Full (Advanced)...
  2. WTS/WTT Geared Asmodian Templar on Atreia

    WTS/WTT Geared Asmodian Templar on Atreia, regretful sale due to lack of time, serious offers only ETERNAL ABG Greatsword +11 (Taha combine, Silence Godstone) ETERNAL ABG PvP accessories full set ETERNAL ABG wings Currently farming ETERNAL ABG gear, already 2 small parts socketed full MR +14...
  3. Buying NA Katalam Elyos Aion Account

    Hello wanted to buy an NA aion with Legendary or Ultimate Trans prefer class would be Assassin if possible but welcome to all classes
  4. WTS 55 Sorcerer Elyos Atreia - PVP Gear 50e, 55E tome, 55 pvp acc

    WTS 55 Sorcerer Elyos Atreia E55 Tome +12 Silence godstone Full E50 Armor +10 MB/HP Full E30 Armor +10 full MA Full 55 PVP accessories 55E Gloves Tahabata Tome +6 in warehouse 4k damage general godstone in...
  5. WTS Kinah Cheap and Safe (no bot) Aion Classic EU elyos-atreia

    hello , i sell kinah in aion classic EU serveur atreia elyos guaranteed no bot i farm manually 100% NO BAN at the best price contact me on my discord Kawuru#0226 we talk about pricing and how we gonna proceed in dicord thank you
  6. SOLD  General Chant

    WTS my Aion Classic Acc on Atreia Elyos Side because i´m not playing anymore (Today 2.0 released) The account has actually 45 Days Siels left and 38m Kinah with Buff/Loot/Warning Miol. - Lvl 50 Gladiator with +10 Tahabata Pole and 50 pvp Belt also full Anuhart Plate Gear socketed and all...
  7. [Atreia] Sorc 50 Full PVP Gear 2k5 MB [Tahabta weapon + 50 pvp]

    Selling full stuff Sorc 2k5 MB on Atreia - Asmo side PVP stuff : 30e full clothe +10 set 5/5 + 30 accessories 6/6 +Tahabata spelbook +7 combined with 50 pvp spelbook - PVE stuff : 5/5 anuhart + 4/6 DP accessories 50k ap +. Have full control Stigma build There is also 1 cleric lv 50 / 1 ranger...
  8. WTS Sorcerer Elyos (Trioran's Weapon +10 combined + 4k ACOIN.

    Triroan's Jewel +10 Combined with DC cast&atk spd Full Magic boost +20 gear Primal spirit set full inventory 100k AP in stigma 2.3k Magic Boost 1.1k Magical Accuracy HP 5.7K MP 10K good sorc for pvp and farm kinah clean account, clean email Can provide pics&vids .. fast selling. Reason for...
  9. Selling  ⭐Aion Classic Kinah Fast & Safe Delivery Cheap Prices⭐

    Welcome to Visit our site here Selling Aion Classic Kinah - Cheap & Fair Prices Hand-farmed to ensure that you receive the best quality. We guarantee fast delivery and safe methods of transfer to protect your account. Dedicated to providing a professional and...
  10. WTS Asmodian Cleric Atreia

    LVL 50 Cleric Asmo EU Classic Atreia 1x Elite 40 PVP piece 1.6k Magic Resist Set 9K HP Set Steel rake cloth set for magic boost set Lannok warhammer All support build stigmas + PVP(greater) stigmas 300+ Aethertapping 300+ Cooking 200+ Essencetapping Over 9M Kinah worth on...
  11. Level 50 Sorcerer Atreia Asmodian

    Level 50 Sorcerer, Atreia Server, Asmodian 2700 Magic Boost (Maximum Mboost, cannot go higher this patch) +10 Lannok Jewel fused, all manastones +23 Magic Boost +10 Lannok Tome fused Bakarma tome, All manastone +23 magic boost 5/5 Anuhart Gear with spare duplicate pieces All lvl 30 PVP...
  12. Selling  💎 💎 Aion Classic Kinah - EU & US Server

    Payment methods: Paypal, Klarna, Sofort, Crypto and 100 more. Pricing currently from 6€/mil
  13. WTB aion account on EU ATREIA Server

  14. Siel NA Asmo Sorc 55 with Siel + Cleric 52

    Siel NA Asmo Sorc 55 with Siel + Cleric 52 720k AP + all dps stigma to glacial shard Siel Aura 24d Gear : Stormwings: Tunic, Leggings, Shoes full MB+27 / TAC: Gloves, Pauldrons full MB+22 Accessories : Omega's Bandana, Debil Karim Neck, Anurati Earrings x2, Lakharas Ring(blue), Distorted...
  15. WTS/WTT EU Atreia Asmodian Sorcerer 50 with Siel

    i'm looking to trade/sell for Atreia Elyos sorc ( idc if not geared ) or 200€ Asmodian Sorcerer Lvl 50 - Archon Scout Cloth Bandana - FULL SR not linked - BAKARMA TOME FUSED WITH GROGGET MB/MA Enchant +10 - 4 Ear,Neck,Ring Gold Access from ADMA - Belt + 1 Ring Blue - Lannok Orb Clean - Vaizel...
  16. WTB Aion Classic EU Atreia lvl50 Sorc or Glad

    must be max level Glad or Sorc, will consider Templar too 200-300$ PM me here
  17. or selling EuroAion gg Chanter with 5 sets

    WTS: Chanter (Asmodian) Rank 1 on EuroAion gear links:!r1TUYy!55f39Ky Weapons Godstones: Extend - GOLD silence Bastion - GOLD paralize The account also contains: - event PHYSICAL wings - Legion Pagati mount (1200 ecoins) - best buff pet...
  18. WTS Aion classic EU account - Atreia - Elyos - LV 27 - Battle pass + Aura 30gg

    WTS email + account for a lv. 27 Elyos assasin, shopped battle pass on it + 30gg aura. Server Atreia Price 50 eur
  19. Selling  Aion Classic EU ‎️‍🔥 Quality Boosting Powerleveling Service with Stream 🎥

    Please contact me for ANY QUESTION or CUSTOM ORDER. 👾DISCORD: demonicbishop My aim is to provide the quality service at an affordable price. If you want, you can follow your orders on Twitch.TV or Youtube live stream. I use VPN based on your location for maximum security when logging into your...
  20. Aion Siel Sin , max level,

    PM Me , gear doesn't matter, as long as its max level assassin
  21. [Euroaion] selling chanter account full pvp/pve gear

    Class: CHANTER Rank: Soldier 1 AP / cera: 14.711kk / 780 medals Gear1:!KFV5GRq + Lvl 60 Eternal Average Equipment Healer Shield +6 socket with healing boost Gear2:!HQCvJS Plume: +0 Mount: grey wolf (1200 ecoins) Pets: shugo (food + 6...
  22. Buying  Buying Aion Classic NA EU Kinah [Fast Payment] Paypal, Crypto & more *

    What the reason selling Aion Classic EU & NA Kinah to me? 1. 100% Feedback dont worry about scam its not gonna happen in here. 2. Instant Payment (when the Trade is done, i will send the payment as fast as possible) 3. Full payment I Cover All Fees Local Indonesian Bank and Indonesian E-Wallet...
  23. WTB Siel Elyos Gladiator with Bakarma Spear!

    Message me on here if you are interested in selling a Siel Elyos Glad with a Bakarma Spear.
  24. [Siel-Asmo] WTS Lv50 Spiritmaster

    Selling a Lv50 Spiritmaster on Siel Asmo: • +10 Lannok's Tome (19% atkspd) with castspd combine. • Various fabled gears, including 30e & 40e pieces. • Rank 1 - 151k AP with 8 Major Ancient Crowns in warehouse. • 8s Silence 5% chance godstone in warehouse & completed General godstone quest (your...
  25. [Siel-Elyos] WTS 50 Cleric |

    2 Piece 40E 84 Silver Medals Few Hundred Mil in Enchantment stunes 449 alch 416 aethertapping looking for offers, payment method Paypal f/f Discord: Burbs#6092 Can show rest of ggear/items