Trade Guardian Orders: 3
Total Feedback: 2
MLB EX-Gayle
MLB EX-Levania
MLB Fio (Celebratory Girl)
MLB Argo (Patriotic Traveler)
2* Zero (Divergent Sister)
1* Fio (Simulacrum Girl) ; MLB Fio (Celebratory Girl) ; 1* Fio (Mechanical Girl) ; Fio (Intoner Girl)
1* Griff (Celebratory Captain)
Akeha (Abstract Assassin) ; Akeha (Intoner Assassin) ; Akeha (Mechanical Assassin)
063y (Abstract Prisoner)
Gayle (Celebratory Hunter) ; Gayle (Bloody Hunter)
Argo (Celebratory Hunter); Argo (Abstract Hunter)
Dimos (Abstract Gunman)
Lars (Fractured Soldier)
MLB EX-Levania
MLB Fio (Celebratory Girl)
MLB Argo (Patriotic Traveler)
2* Zero (Divergent Sister)
1* Fio (Simulacrum Girl) ; MLB Fio (Celebratory Girl) ; 1* Fio (Mechanical Girl) ; Fio (Intoner Girl)
1* Griff (Celebratory Captain)
Akeha (Abstract Assassin) ; Akeha (Intoner Assassin) ; Akeha (Mechanical Assassin)
063y (Abstract Prisoner)
Gayle (Celebratory Hunter) ; Gayle (Bloody Hunter)
Argo (Celebratory Hunter); Argo (Abstract Hunter)
Dimos (Abstract Gunman)
Lars (Fractured Soldier)
MLB 5* Blade of Parting IV (EX-Gayle's)
MLB 5* Recurring Sin (EX-Lev's)
Stage 8 Level 90 5* Cadeau Royal (EX-Fio's)
Stage 8 Level 90 5* Perfect Justice II (EX-Lars')
Stage 4 BSE_TypeLS I (EX-063y's)
Stage 4 BSE_TypeMW I (EX-F66x's)
Stage 4 Pure Lotus I (EX-Akeha's)
MLB Mock Type-40 Sword (Light Sword - 2P's)
MLB YoRHa-issued Blade (Dark Sword - 9S')
MLB Wicked Bottles (Dark Fist - Celebratory Fio's)
MLB Blade of the Lost Seal (Light Sword - Celebratory Gayle's)
MLB Sword of the Titan (Light Sword)
MLB Virtuous Treaty (Light Greatsword)
MLB Blackbird Greatsword (Wind Greatsword)
MLB Blackbird Lance (Water Spear)
MLB The Devil Queen (Water Spear)
MLB Blackbird Crosier (Light Staff)
MLB Face of Death (Dark Fist)
MLB Iron Abandonment (Wind Sword - Fractured Soldier Lars')
3* Faith (Water Sword) + 1 duplicate (0* Faith)
2* Beastlord (Wind Greatsword)
2* Silversnow Tail (Water Spear)
2* The Black Flower (Fire Sword - Zero's)
2* Phoenix Dagger (Fire Sword)
1* Phoenix Sword (Light Greatsword - Mechanical Assassin Akeha's)
1* Mock Type-40 Fists (Light Fist - Simulcacrum Fio's)
1* Wretched Knuckles (Wind Fist)
1* Bloodied Broadknife (Fire Sword)
1* Fangs of the Twins (Wind Greatsword)
1* Formal Salute (Water Gun - Celebratory Griff's)
1* Type-40 Fist (Light Fist - Mechanical Fio's)
1* Staff of Judgement (Wind Staff)
1* Type-40 Lance (Light Spear)
1* Lonebloom Staff (Wind Staff)
Tormented Eviscerator (Dark Sword)
Machine Axe (Water Greatsword)
Core Half-Pike (Light Spear - Abstract Hunter Argo's)
One's Chakram (Light Fist - Intoner Girl Fio's)
Seabone Blade (Water Sword)
Virtuous Grief (Light Fist)
Forbidden Scrapsteel Arm (Fire Fist)
Type-3 Blade (Fire Greatsword - A2's)
Two's Sword (Dark Greatsword)
Type-40 Sword (Light Sword - 2B's)
Iron Signpost (Light Spear - Noelle's)
Tormented Shooter (Dark Gun)
Antimony Sword (Dark Greatsword)
Cruel Arrogance (Dark Spear)
Stratocratic Fate (Light Gun)
Cicada Husk (Wind Spear)
Three-Wing Sword (Wind Sword - Bloodied Hunter Gayle's)
Seabone Staff (Water Staff)
Angel's Folly (Water Fist)
Silversnow Fang (Water Greatsword [it's a Great-Axe actually but ok])
Bloodied Artillery (Fire Gun)
Forbidden Scrapsteel Obelisk (Fire Staff)
Outlaw Gun (Dark Gun - Abstract Gunman Dimos's)
MLB 5* Recurring Sin (EX-Lev's)
Stage 8 Level 90 5* Cadeau Royal (EX-Fio's)
Stage 8 Level 90 5* Perfect Justice II (EX-Lars')
Stage 4 BSE_TypeLS I (EX-063y's)
Stage 4 BSE_TypeMW I (EX-F66x's)
Stage 4 Pure Lotus I (EX-Akeha's)
MLB Mock Type-40 Sword (Light Sword - 2P's)
MLB YoRHa-issued Blade (Dark Sword - 9S')
MLB Wicked Bottles (Dark Fist - Celebratory Fio's)
MLB Blade of the Lost Seal (Light Sword - Celebratory Gayle's)
MLB Sword of the Titan (Light Sword)
MLB Virtuous Treaty (Light Greatsword)
MLB Blackbird Greatsword (Wind Greatsword)
MLB Blackbird Lance (Water Spear)
MLB The Devil Queen (Water Spear)
MLB Blackbird Crosier (Light Staff)
MLB Face of Death (Dark Fist)
MLB Iron Abandonment (Wind Sword - Fractured Soldier Lars')
3* Faith (Water Sword) + 1 duplicate (0* Faith)
2* Beastlord (Wind Greatsword)
2* Silversnow Tail (Water Spear)
2* The Black Flower (Fire Sword - Zero's)
2* Phoenix Dagger (Fire Sword)
1* Phoenix Sword (Light Greatsword - Mechanical Assassin Akeha's)
1* Mock Type-40 Fists (Light Fist - Simulcacrum Fio's)
1* Wretched Knuckles (Wind Fist)
1* Bloodied Broadknife (Fire Sword)
1* Fangs of the Twins (Wind Greatsword)
1* Formal Salute (Water Gun - Celebratory Griff's)
1* Type-40 Fist (Light Fist - Mechanical Fio's)
1* Staff of Judgement (Wind Staff)
1* Type-40 Lance (Light Spear)
1* Lonebloom Staff (Wind Staff)
Tormented Eviscerator (Dark Sword)
Machine Axe (Water Greatsword)
Core Half-Pike (Light Spear - Abstract Hunter Argo's)
One's Chakram (Light Fist - Intoner Girl Fio's)
Seabone Blade (Water Sword)
Virtuous Grief (Light Fist)
Forbidden Scrapsteel Arm (Fire Fist)
Type-3 Blade (Fire Greatsword - A2's)
Two's Sword (Dark Greatsword)
Type-40 Sword (Light Sword - 2B's)
Iron Signpost (Light Spear - Noelle's)
Tormented Shooter (Dark Gun)
Antimony Sword (Dark Greatsword)
Cruel Arrogance (Dark Spear)
Stratocratic Fate (Light Gun)
Cicada Husk (Wind Spear)
Three-Wing Sword (Wind Sword - Bloodied Hunter Gayle's)
Seabone Staff (Water Staff)
Angel's Folly (Water Fist)
Silversnow Fang (Water Greatsword [it's a Great-Axe actually but ok])
Bloodied Artillery (Fire Gun)
Forbidden Scrapsteel Obelisk (Fire Staff)
Outlaw Gun (Dark Gun - Abstract Gunman Dimos's)
Roughly 25k gems.
What the account needs: CDR memoir for PvP. That's about it. Finished season 2 at 21st place, I stopped playing in the last week or two of season 3 and ended at roughly 100th place in Arena.
Payment: PayPal. Friend and Family. If you purchase through Business, then buyer cover the fee. Middle man will also be at buyer's expense if buyer choose any middleman service.
Thank you.
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