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EU Wizard 62 | 252/256/294 | Workers Empire | Email included

Multiple Accounts
Member Since July 26, 2014
Trade Guardian Orders: 22
Total Feedback: 19
The account is SOLD

As the title says, selling lvl 62 Wizard 252/256/294 Server: Europe

For more information on the account visit my PA's offer here: (click on the link below)

>>> https://www.playerauctions.com/blac...ard-62--548-gs--252256294--top-account--emai/ <<<

!!!!!!! Any questions regarding the account I will be answering only in PlayerAuctions.!!!!!!!

Last edited:
Banned - Failed to resolve dispute - https://www.epicnpc.com/threads/scammed-by-previo.1511734/
Is the Price negotiable and how much then?

Do you accept a account with a lot of p2w stuff and t4 pets + money aswell? The Account has bossgear but the rest is meh.

Love to hear from you.