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Eu Musa 61 496gs | 217/219/278 | workers empire etc.

Multiple Accounts
Member Since July 26, 2014
Trade Guardian Orders: 22
Total Feedback: 19
As the title says, selling lvl 61 Musa 496Gear Score Server: Europe

For more information on the account visit my PA's offer here: (click on the link below)

>>> https://www.playerauctions.com/blac...a-61-496gs-217219278--tritet-boss-weaponsarm/ <<<

!!!!!!! Any questions regarding the account I will be answering only in PlayerAuctions.!!!!!!!

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i can give you 120€ no dande, no earrings, no tree armor, no bhegs, terrible belt, and i dont know any other information about the account... in fact i think 120€ is a little too much. i just went overt the player auction post and yeah 120[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]€ is a little bit too much for that account, im still going to stick to my offer tho (idk why)[/FONT]
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