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Selling All Champs, 190 Skins (3 of 5 Ultimate Skins Owned) Plat Border, Garena PH

Multiple Accounts
Member Since December 13, 2017
Trade Guardian Orders: 4
Total Feedback: 4


Price is really negotiable

Please don't be a low baller. If you weight the skin price it would cost 455 dollars alone, time and energy not included. I am not looking to sell at that price but please be reasonable.

There is only about 10+ champions I don't have skins with so you can play at your hearts content.

Worry not if you are concerned with bad names, for it has a single word name (really aesthetic)

Guarantee you will enjoy this account not only that, variety of emotes and ward skins are also available with the account. It has so much perks but also be prepared to pay for what is worth.

Drop me a message and if it is really too low I will tell you but if it is somewhat there we can negotiate. Payment method is via Paypal.

Owns all champions
190 skins
20 rune pages
Platinum Bordered, 15 LP away from Plat V

Notable Skins:
- Spirit Guard Udyr
- Elementalist Lux
- DJ Sona

- Omega Teemo
- PROJECT: Vayne
- Dark Star Thresh
- Final Boss Veigar
- Dunk Master Darius
- Aether Wing Kayle
- Forecast Janna
- Eternum Nocturne
- Battlecast Alpha Scarner
- Battlecast Prime Chogath
- Nunubot
- Blackfrost Aivia
- Demonblade Tryndamere
- Primetime Draven

Premium Skins:
- Gothic Annie
- UFO Corki
- URF Corki
- Captain Gangplank
- Traditional Trundle
- Traditional Karma
- Victorious Elise
- Victorious Graves
- Victorious Morgana
- Victorious Maokai
- Victorious Sivir

If interested, contact me on Discord @_X #3287

screenshot album: https://imgur.com/a/5T54pAl
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Oh I'm sorry there should be no space between _X and #3287. I've sent you a message or I can add you on Discord instead