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Kai’Sa: Daughter of the Void

Kai’Sa has been released in 8.5 patch notes. She is meant to be versatile, so she can go from AP mid lane to being an ADC.

“To survive among predators, Kai’Sa became one. Stranded for years with no hope of rescue, Kai’Sa endured through sheer will and a symbiotic second skin adapted from a living Void creature. Now the Daughter of the Void emerges an apex hunter torn between two worlds: the one that birthed her, and the one that made her.”

As mentioned in the bio, Kai’Sa has ‘symbiotic second skin’, in which her passive is titled second skin. Second skin is broken down into ‘caustic wounds’ and ‘living weapon’. Caustic wounds contains stacks of plasma, that deal more magic damage and bursts upon the enemy’s missing health. Stacks of plasma can be added on from allies’ immobilizing effects. And, living weapon states that her ‘symbiote-suit’ adapts to her attack style, along with shop items and experience level.

swarm of missiles is released, distributed among enemies (which hurricane sounds like it would be good for.) There are also additional hits that deal reduced damage on the same opponents. In accordance with the passive, Icathian Rain will fire more missiles with more attack damage.

Plasma stacks are involved with this ability, for it occurs once the beam reveals the enemy hit and deals magic damage. A part of the passive, living weapon, will deal more damage with more AP refunds some of the cooldown on champion hit.

As implied by the ability name, Kai’Sa charges up and gains movement speed, then once charged up, she can take out her guns to increase attack speed. Cooldown is reduced by basic attacks. Living weapon allows invisibility with enough attack speed.

Kai’Sa dashes at a very high speed and extra range, to the enemy (marked with plasma), gaining a damage-absorbing shield whilst.

Riot mentions which abilities to use in what order, but in summation it is as follows: W-R-Q and a follow up of E if the target is not dead yet. In teamfights, stay back line and be firing your ultimate, don’t let crowd control get you when you’re Kai’Sa, because she is squishy. Marking with plasma is the key to quick kill, especially if you use your ultimate once an enemy is marked. Kai’Sa is meant to kill, hence her ultimate name ‘Killer Instinct’ so her purpose is to hunt down champions, be a more aggressive champion. And the most important thing to note with Kai’Sa is that her passive and plasma is super important. Her autos help with almost every ability and you can heavily rely on autos to kite or stay safe, build up enough speed or damage to kill. There are no recommended builds but based on what I know, I would recommend some type of ADC item for her Q, an AP/AD item for her W, an attack speed item for her E, and AD is better for her R. So, based on this, building ADC might be best bet. I would say Infinity edge, boots, hurricane, bloodthirster/essence reaver (depending on which you need more), BORK, and hextech gunblade or Guinsoo’s Rageblade. And there is heavy emphasis on BORK, this is needed somewhere in the build.

Kai’Sa is very versatile and something different for League because of this. She can be built many different ways for different roles. Kai’Sa is new champion wise too, there are no other viable AP-ADCS, and the one champion that may be even remotely close to her would be Kalista, due to the attack speed.
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