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Trade Guardian Orders: 318
Total Feedback: 314
(03/03/2018) ...And with that I am on 100 feedback! Thank you for everyone who has bought the IV editing from me so far, I originally just did this so I could save up for a Nintendo Switch (Which I've been playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2 & Mario Odyssey!) but I got a hell of a lot more customers than I expected so I just kept at it. It was pretty hard starting off and during my first week I felt like closing the thread as it wasn't getting attention, glad I didn't! I will try and give back in some way to old customers ^-^ -Blargh44
As of the update (2.80) IV editing has still not been banned for whatever reason. There are other mods that still technically work (such as morphing units etc) but these will get you permanently banned within 48 hours - 1 week unless you are using a friend banned account. I have IV modified on my main account over 30 units, and have still not received a ban. I did take a big risk as this is my day 1 account, and have put over £750+ into it. If this does get banned, I will let everyone know as the only modding I have done on it is IV changing (And this is also a non friend banned account).
Please read above first!
Selling IV edits for FEH units. Say NO to -atk & -spd!
* Only applicable to summoned units.
Free Choose your legends, GHB/Tempest Trials/Free Fjorm/Ike units cannot have their IV changed.
1-9 unit IV = (GBP) £1.00 per unit
10 or more = (GBP) £0.75 each
(As my loyal customers will know, you will also randomly get some free IV's, discounts, free orders etc when I see your purchase more than once from me. Loyalty pays off!)
Accept payment through Paypal (Gift), or Amazon/Google Play store gift cards.
(When purchasing, please provide all the current IV's of your units! PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK IF YOU HAVE LISTED THE CORRECT CURRENT IV! This is usually the reason why the remain unchanged/incorrect so I have to fix them afterwards. Or you know I mess up)
When ordering, please lay it out in a way that is easy to read such as -
Marth -
Current IV - +Atk -Spd
Want = +Spd - Res
When you send me the list of units you want done, please put the units on the list in teams (in-game) in the order of the list as it makes it much quicker for me to find them!
Discord - DSantos#3664 (I will never add you first + with Donation = Change name + # being a thing, ensure you are actually chatting to me and not an imposter, by PMing me here.)
Email & Skype - [email protected] (Skype bug with certain countries for w/e reason, I recieve your messages but appear offline and you don't get my msgs. If I don't reply within 24hrs this might be you, so contact me in another way)
Accept payment through Paypal (Friends&Family/Gift)
Or message me here, no I will not ignore or take ages to reply. Aim to reply within 24 hours. But please all I ask is be patient, sometimes I may be busy with things out of my control. If I can't for whatever reason complete your order I will return your money.
- The IV editing is done manually, no bot is used (Emulator).
- No in-game exploit is used or "abuse of the normal game system" (There is none afaik). However this is cheating, and while no bans have happened with this particular area since the beginning of the game (modifying current IV's) there is always the risk that is taken when you use this service whether it gets patched or bannable. If IV's do end up getting banned, and your account also gets banned, I will give you a refund of what you paid for the service.
- Located in the UK, London (Will appear as that in your Nintendo account settings, when you check your sign-in settings).
Account Safety tips!
Buy from trusted sellers.
Change your password after any service from sellers which require account access.
Use google authentication (code is required each time to login) if you can.
What are IV's? What am I buying exactly?
IV's (Individual values) refer to the stat variation that units will have on their neutral base stats (Ending up with the unit having +3 in one stat and -3 in another at max level, or if they have a neutral IV not having any stat variation). For example if a Hector has +HP -Atk IV's it would mean he would be getting +3 in his base speed stat, along with - 3 for his base attack. Hector's base HP at level 40 is 52 and his base attack is 36 so with +HP -Atk IV's he would be getting 55 HP (+3 from HP Boon/+) and 33 attack (-3 from Attack bane/-).
Some units will have "superboons" (being +4 in a certain stat) or "superbanes" (-4 in certain stats). For example, a +SPD Hector will get +4 on his speed instead of 3, putting him at 28 spd with a spd boon, from his base spd at 24.
Getting a -Atk unit in almost all cases is a big negative, along with -Spd in fast units or +Spd in slow ones. This service is providing units with their optimal/your preferred IV!
You can find all characters base stats, optimal IV's etc on websites such as Gamepress or Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki.
Are you sure it isn't bannable???
- AS OF RIGHT NOW, no. I can't predict the future, but as of right now no it is not bannable. No one has been banned for just editing IV's. If IS were going to ban any IV changes, they would have likely done so along with all the other methods they have banned. This could change in future updates.
That is not to say IV can or will be bannable in the future. It is strange if they could ban any IV changes but haven't done so in the 10 months the game has been out, but I believe this is because IV's aren't changeable in game (for now) unlike all the other things that are edited like feathers etc. This might of meant that IS had no reason to track IV's as they had no reason to see them changing as of right now. But that's just a theory. (So of course in future updates if features like IV reroll/neutralising came then this will cease to work).
You take the risk of paying for services such as this, and I am not responsible if you get banned in the future! While it is safe for now I can't promise that it is ban proof, only saying what I have known for now which that it's one of the only edits in FEH that no one has been banned since the game's release.
- I already know how to change IV's, how are you selling this service, crook!
- The methods of changing IV's has changed since the FEH devs have improved the security, and does require more set up now than it did before because of the root block etc. This is for those who either do not know how to change IV's, or would prefer to have someone do it for them.
Do I need a friend banned account to do this?
- No, I have done this on my non-friend banned account's and it is fine.
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