
  1. Selling  639 Shaman, 639 Warrior, 633 Paladin / All specs / 3K IO

    Hello! For sale is a great account to pick up just before the start of the next season. Included on the account are the following characters! 639 Shaman - 3k IO - 4/8M Gear for all 3 specs. BiS 639 trinkets for Resto! 639 Warrior - 3.8k IO - 4/8M Gear for all 3 specs - BiS 639 Trinkets for all...
  2. warmane acount and coins

    Hello, since i stoped playing world of warcraft, i am selling my accounts, i have multiple accounts on warmane server. am also selling coins fees on me. first account : Lordaeron : Paladin : full bis hpal 6k5 - full bis prot 6k5 - 6k4 retri Second account : Icecrown : 6k5 hunter full bis...
  3. Selling  WTS Geared dps warrior dreamscythe multiple raid BiS / r10 PvP / AV Exalted

    Looking to sell my primary WoW Account. I will list below the details for Fresh Classic but note it also comes with a geared retail WoW account (620 ilvl Ret pally /w 636 Wep) 80 DH (Warglaive Transmog, Magetower Transmog, lots and lots of leather transmog), 77 DK (S4 DF BiS), 70 Mage (S3/S4 DF...
  4. SOLD  WoW Classic Anniv | Nightslayer A | Warrior lvl 51 | Fakename | 130$

    WOW CLASSIC ANNIVERSARY WARRIOR LVL 51 FEMALE HUMAN Proff - - 60% Mount GT until 3 March FAKENAME PRICE : 130$ Accepted Payments : Paypal FNF / Crypto USDT Interested ? DM me for fast response on Discord @Magiafoxa (without @)
  5. SOLD  Warrior Lvl 60 Tank almost pre-raidbis nightslayer

    300 Mining 300 Engineering 300 First aid
  6. SOLD  60 Gnome Warrior US Anniversary Dreamscythe

    Discord : Panda50ms Active Game time 60 Gnome Warrior on US Dreamscythe Fake name Unverified Email MC and Ony attuned BIS/near bis gear Has the SGC bis chest piece Pre-raid BIS for both Tanking and DPS Dual spec Have items to reach 9% hit Engineering: 315 Blacksmithing: 160
  7. SOLD  3x R1 Draconic / Obsidian / Verdant Account DH / Shaman / Warrior

    Hello everyone, Selling 3x R1 The War Within Account with fake BNET name: 1. R1 Obsidian Gladiator / Verdant Gladiator Shaman: 2. R1 Draconic Gladiator Demon Hunter: 3. Gladiator Warrior: Achievements: Gladiator | Three’s Company: 2700 | Just the Two of Us: 2200 Cosmic Gladiator...
  8. SOLD  NA web 335/337/436 Guardian/warrior

    NA web 335/337/436 Guardian/warrior has 4 64lvl characters
  9. Selling  [SOD + Cata Scarab Lord account] - Stacked ACC - [Read for More]

    For Sale: Duo Scarab Lord Account (SoD + CATA) Hello, and thanks for checking out my post! I’m selling an amazing duo Scarab Lord account that spans both Season of Discovery (SoD) and Cataclysm (CATA). Below, you’ll find all the juicy details about my CATA account. For more information on the...
  10. Selling  [SOD + Cata Scarab Lord account] - Stacked ACC - [Read for More]

    Duo Scarab Lord Account (SoD + CATA) Hello, and thanks for checking out my post! I’m selling an amazing duo Scarab Lord account that spans both Season of Discovery (SoD) and Cataclysm (CATA). Below, you’ll find all the juicy details about my SoD account. For more information on the CATA side of...
  11. WTS wow classic era HIGH END multiple characters whitemane - nightslayer

    Account for sale Wow Classic Era: Server: Whitemane Faction: Alliance It has a lot of additional items, all with their mounts 100% and accesses, the gold that will be left in the account will be a pleasant surprise to help you get the remaining to help you get the remaining items you need...
  12. Selling  mage lvl 60 nightslayer horde us gs 724 + 10 cata acc + 8 tww acc

  13. Buying  BUY T3 Era ACC- H (EU!)

    Hello. I want to buy a full T3/Close full T3 Acc on Classic Era EU realm. preferred - Mage/Rogue/Hunter/Warrior/Druid/Warlock. i dont buy highest prices /w me with price, Infos and screenshots would be nice. PLS verified Acc, or verified pay. NO time for scammers.
  14. Buying  BUY T3 ACC -H-(EU)

    Hello! i want to Buy a full or close full T3 Account in Wow Classic Era. ONLY HORDE (EU) Server. Warrior, Mage, Hunter or Rogue Pls write me about ACC and how much you want. i dont pay highest prices. DONT NEED Thunderfury/Atiesh ONLY VERIFIED PEOPLE. NO TIME FOR SCAM
  15. SOLD  Anniversary lvl 60 Orc Warrior Arms/Fury - Nighstlayer US Fake Name

    FAKE NAME Registered under the United States country Attunements MC / Onyxia Keys Scholomance / BRD For any offers, questions, screenshots or proofs don't hesitate to contact me!
  16. SOLD  Anniv 60 War Taurent 715gs Pre-Raid with SGC + HoJ | Nighslayer H + 2era chars

    ~Active gametime until Jan. 10~ https://www.wowhead.com/classic/gear-planner/warrior/tauren/BDwAAAEANFwCADwzAwAyfwUALc4GADaHBwA61ggAORgJADRYCgA61wsARTEMADOhDQA2jQ4ALicPAEkBEABFKREAMosSADRE *Dual Spec Bought *300 Mining *60 Enchanting Anniversary Character: Classic ERA Characters...
  17. Selling  638 War Fury/ 636 Prot | 40 Mounts | 2885 IO | +4 lv80 chars - Lock 615

    Original Owner Fake Name Original Email No infractions Hand Leveled Server Transfer Avaliable Buyout Price: 600$ Payment Methods: - BTC / ETH / Binance / Zinli - Paypal (F&F ONLY) Middleman service, it is up to the buyer. Discord: al_lah Unique ID: 638483359986876436 Please feel free to...
  18. Selling  WoW Warmane Onyxia TBC Account 70 Mage (a lot lvl 60 alts)

    I am selling my hand leveled Warmane Onyxia TBC account. I farmed tbc mats for: - 2x Blacksmith (previous for my Warrior and Paladin) - 1x Ingenier (for my rogue obviously) - 1x Herbalism > All until 300 you have the mats for. All chars are hand leveled by me. It has: - (Main) Mage lvl 70...
  19. SOLD  50 ML Warrior/Corsair Galka with Chango, Naegling, Reiki Yotai + more

    Hello, I'm currently consolidating my FFXI multibox setup and no longer need this account. Galka with Master Level 50 Warrior and Corsair and 45 Monk, all jobs @99, all missions complete, all Home Points/Survival Guides/Waypoints unlocked, 5/5 Vagary clears, Dynamis-Divergence ready, A.M.A.N...
  20. Selling  DK lvl 79 pet and everything ready to go!

    Selling a lvl 79 DK -Low Dex -22 dex overall -8 att glove -5 dex 3 slot snowshoes -96 att spear -2k+ range -Style coupon -Pet -Pet auto skill buff
  21. SOLD  Pre raid BIS 60 Warrior Horde Anniversary Hardcore "Doomhowl"(NA) Epic 2h axe

    The character is in the HARDCORE version of the world. 100% handmade, I am the original owner. 1. Fake name, registered in US, you'll get all the info from account email/password and battle.net password,. 2. 60% mount 3. second specialization acquired 4. Onyxia and MC attuned 5. Hydraxian rep...
  22. Selling  🔥 Warmane/Onyxia Account Shop Cheap 🔥

    Selling Level 70 Warmane/Onyxia Accounts All accounts are RDF leveled (which means all quests are available), equipped with basic gear, and include 100 gold. Original email is provided. Undead Rogue: Level 70, basic gear, dual spec - 15$ Orc Warrior: Level 70, basic gear, dual spec - 15$...
  23. SOLD  Warmane (Blackrock) BiS SM Warrior / 2x BiS Holy Paladin Account

    Hello, Selling an account on Warmane-Blackrock with BiS Shadowmourne Warrior and 2 BiS Holy Paladins. 1. BiS Warrior - 2.6k+ 2v2 / all transmogs unlocked / Swift Zulian Tiger / Crimson Deathcharger. 2. BiS Holy Paladin - 3.1k 2v2 / Gladiator / all transmog unlocked / Warglaive of Azzinoth...
  24. SOLD  [NA] Crusader Strike - 2H Fury Warrior t2 geared

    Fake Name Non restricted Attunements MC - BWL Runes Runes 32/33 Warrior also has Suzerain, Defender of the Dragonflights, Bonereaver's Edge, Lifegiving Gem and Draconic Avenger https://sixtyupgrades.com/sod/set/6KnA13GukkqrKxuz3JL1Ly For any offers, questions, screenshots or...
  25. SOLD  Nightslayer US Warrior lvl40

    Selling warrior, level 40, fully geared SM, with Tank and DPS set, Ravager included. 30G in inventory The account has a fake name, and comes with its original email, can trade and use action house without problems. I accept payments in: Binance and Paypal F&F I can use a middleman. If you...