Selling my personal account in Icecrown that includes a B. Elf Ret Paladin with 5.2k gs, Orc MM Hunter with 5.3k gs and a fresh lv 80 Troll mage with around 4.5k gs
Paladin has leveled jewelcrafting and engineering / Hunter has Mining and engineering both with 280 flying
Selling it very cheap...
Loaded account on Warmane - Icecrown WOTLK server!
I've detailed some highlights below but feel free to reach out with any specific questions that I can answer for you.
Donation Rank: Exalted (Highest - +10% Coins)
Activity Rank: Legate (Highest Achiev Pts 9495 = Highest Rank -...
I am now selling some of my warmane accounts due to lack of time to play.
All toons are on the Icecrown Realm.
I'm in no rush so just hit me up with your offer.
Most toons are horde side.
Account #1
Hunter Full BIS!
Account #2
Warlock Almost BIS
Druid Feral - PvP 6000
Paladin Ret - 5850...
Warmane Druid And Death Knight Account
Original Email
6188 gs (Resto/Balance) with a few pieces of feral King Slayer title
Dk 5062 gs Blood
a level 36 paladin
Price with Crypto 50$
PayPal 55 euro
Bank Transfer 50 euro
Contact me Here or on Discord :
Selling Warmane Warrior Account
Fury with transmog and shadow edge dual spec 55 mounts
5950gs PvE Fury
5634 Protection
also comes with an lvl 74 mage and lvl 70 dk
Only 77$ with Crypto
PayPal 79 Euro
Bank Transfer 77 Euro
Contact me on Discord
or Here on Epic NPC
Warmane Account with 8x hero
Email org + Original Email
1= Paladin full bis pve ret + full pvp ( only need head pvp ) { + Shadowmourne} + 6300 achiv + 60 mount
+ 7 8 x Tank and healer Bis item
2= warrior full bis pve ( only needs 2x items " back + crossbow " ) { + Shadowmourne}
3= Dk 6333 GS...
warmanewarmane80warmane80 death knight
warmane80 druid
warmane account bis
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warmane account sale
warmane account sell private server wow
world of warcraft acc
world of warcraft accont
Warmane Account with 10x hero all in one
priest + warlock + 2x dk + warrior + 2x mage + 2x paladin + druid
dk = full pvp bis + tank full bis ( old hero with 9000 achive + 70 mount + 200 day play time ) - 6300 pvp - 6500 tank
warrior = full bis slot pve with sm - full bis pvp + 3k achive ( no...
bis account warmane cheap
warmanewarmane80warmane80 death knight
warmane bis
warmane bis account
warmane hero
warmane world of warcraft
world of warcraft account selling
world of warcraft warmane
After payment you will have full access to the account.
This is a personal account and I have worked hard for it.
Best Transmog with Full BIS PvP/PvE + SM + Glorenzelg HC
* Supporter Rank
* Full Access
* Special Transmog
* Shadowmourne + Glorenzelg HC
Account Pictures...
Hello I am selling my warmane account.
Account includes 6 characters
1. Human Warrior
6124 gs furry pve
6077 gs pvp prot
6132 gs pvp arms
2. Human DK
6100 gs pvp unh 6200 with medalion
5900 gs as pve unholy dps
Has celestial steed a few titles and around 4k achies
3. Bloodelf Paladin
Hi, I have a Basically BIS warrior with other characters on account on Warmane icecrown,
Has shadowMourne and baiscally BIS PVP GEAR with 6 other lvl 80s.
comes with original email
willing to negotiate and also willing to trade for Wow retail account that has game time on it (or you can get...
My EXALTED account currently has 492 coins in it from the sale of one of my characters and 2 chars on Icecrown ROGUE AND MAGE
If you buy all the coins for 0.5 per coin i am gifting you the account . You can send the coins to your account, play/sell or delete the chars idc i just want...
Hello, I'm selling my account on Warmane Icecrown
Account status: in good standing
Donation rank: Contributor
Activity rank: Legate
Community rank: Patriot
There are 8 lvls 80 characters
1. BIS Holy priest, Almost bis 6497 Shadow
2215 Achiv points, title like LoD...
1 - Death Knight (Unholy / Frost)
-BiS PVE as frost.
-on SM quest, need 19 more shard to get SM.
-has almost BiS tanking gear. (missing one trinket, and set pieces but character has 700eof u can buy if you want.)
-5k Achive Points.
- 91 unique mounts, including: Black Qiraji Battle...
As the title says, WTS Warmane gold
27eur for 1OOk.
I have ALOT in stock atm.
Payment is done via Paypal.
(Friends & Family)
The minimum you can buy is 1OOk.
Gold is hand made & secure.
Always message me on Epicnpc to confirm my identity.
My only one Discord is:
( Watch out for...
Paying via Paypal.
Price depends on how many do u sell.
I do not go first unless you have a really good reputation here.
Always message me on Epicnpc to confirm my identity.
My only one Discord is:
( Watch out for fake Discords such as "borivoj...
Hello everyone
I have my accounts here to sell because I don't have time to play anymore and need money for something else :Y
1. Account
BiS Mage 3k Achievs + invincible
BiS Mage 3k Achievs + invincible
6.5 Shadow Priest (missing Wand for BiS) / 6.5 Hpriest with Valanyr. 4k Achievs +...
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