
  1. night owl + ren + akechi

    looking to trade this small account for something of similar value! many limited emotes and graffitis + more skins on the account, notables only (transfer is available) you can contact me on discord @playingthevictim
  2. Uft: CROW + The Embrace

    • Lf: $230 on PayPal • Android, Na/Eu • U can contact me by here, or on discord for faster reply and more informations abiut the account: keria_pink Art_4 • I can't pay mm fee but WON'T pass first. That's a sell, not a trade.
  3. TRADING Lady 13 smurf

    NA/EU, android, no dmm or email LF: Instantly accept and looking for bloodbath smurf but will look at fem account highballs. Discord is kreiburgcck ID: Other games, asia, money.
  4. Noir, D.M, Trickster, KING-h1, Ephemeral, Atsushi

    ONLY TRADING! • LF: White + Ephemeral, White + something from my wishlist • IA: White + Judith on medium/big account • ID: Asia, Other Games, Money, no transfer to Android, Trust trade (don't even try scammers) Tags: Noir, D.M, KING-h1, Miu, Atsushi, Trickster U can contact me here or in...
  5. FOX + trickster + kirigiri + nagito 80-100 USD

    Android NA/EU No transfer available until december 13th Selling for 80 dollars minimum, buyout is 100 dollars Payment via Paypal or Cashapp MUST USE A DISCORD MIDDLEMAN My discord is radicallyplastic
  6. SOLD  12S 51A Ripper account!! +Goro, Kroto, Desolate sand, Danganronpa and more P5

    Selling this account for 190$! (wts 175$ if buy quick) Android Asia Transfer code available for both servers No DMM or Email bind Payment: Wise or Paypal Contact me on discord via Kilmee#0709 *MUST use trusted MM or MM on Freiioni / Illusion Hall, buyer pays MM fees*
  7. Lvl 90 Soulrend/Bane Trickster in Kalandra Standard | Tabs & MTX | $70

    Insanely fast & tanky mapper and kills every boss encountered. Probably the best build I ever made. Lots of currency worth a few divines, and gear is also worth several divines with all gems max lvl/quality. Super high base evasion and movement speed. 4k energy shield exactly with discipline...
  8. Golden Ratio acc, ios, na/eu

    - ios - na/eu - no dmm Only notables shown on the edit! Lf: Kroto/Maroon Crystal/Sophia/P5 or any equal offers^^ my discord: poopsock69#1143
  9. Fast Sell old acc 20S 85A Isabella, P5, Danganronpa & more!

    Selling my account cuz I've quit playing idv. I need to sell it fast, price is 450€ (+middleman fee if we use one) but open for negotiation :) Payment through PayPal! old account from season 1 has 20S 85A skins, 11S 31A accessories! 8000+fragments! only notable skins shown in the picture...
  10. budget $100-150! check thread for more detail

    not a real account! hi! im looking for crimson bride, most likely a must but i can see other offers that have any of the skins below! the account doesn't need to have all the skins in the pic btw! IOS NA/EU ONLY PLEASE! android is fine if transfer is available my budget is $100-150...
  11. UFT: Kroto + Persona5 + Coa2

    lf: lady truth, architect, haru okumura, good child, crimson bride ia: lady truth + architect and noir all survivors/hunters owned my discord: poopsock69#1143 id: LOWBALLS, dead dmm without proof, asia
  12. Kroto, persona 5, coa 2 + more!!

    (old owner’s edit) Lf any equal offers, i don’t ignore! skins i like: maroon crystal, lady truth, viper, desolate sand 🏮can accept either device ✨ios, na/eu 🏮no dmm id: LOWBALLS, dead dmm without proof, asia
  13. UFT: sophia, trickster, etc. LF: offers

    LF: offers! literally offer anything except heavy lowballs, android, asia, money, or other game offers. note that i am not set on trading. contact me on disc eevee#1567 for more info!
  14. UFT: Desolate Sands

    LF: Embrace or Feathered Cloak Do not offer Feathered Cloak Smurfs. A tiers I really like Futaba Sakura Haru Okumura Sound Wave Wail Please Msg me on Insta to offer @seawitchs
  15. UFT: Desolate Sands

    LF: Embrace or Feathered Cloak Do not offer Feathered Cloak Smurfs. A tiers I really like Futaba Sakura Haru Okumura Sound Wave Wail Please Msg me on Insta to offer @seawitchs
  16. UFT: Desolate Sands

    LF: Embrace or Feathered Cloak Do not offer Feathered Cloak Smurfs. A tiers I really like Futaba Sakura Haru Okumura Sound Wave Wail Please Msg me on Insta to offer @seawitchs
  17. Uft:Goro Akechi Looking offers on any server and device! Can take lowballs ^^

    Discord Just_Mel #0499
  18. old logic path, junji, edward, coa, and p5 skin! ios naeu

  19. LF: offers (Android Asia only)

    ANDROID, ASIA, NO DMM DM: applepi#3787 on discord for more info
  20. Exorcist, Viper, Trickster and FOX

    Looking for an account that has all 4 of these skins: Exorcist, Viper, Trickster and FOX Instant decline if no Exorcist or no Viper. If you're missing Trickster or Fox, I won't be interested unless you have 2 or more from this list: Golden Future, Animal Tamer, Fate, Maroon Crystal, True Proof...
  21. ios na eu, true proof small account

    highest offer $120, can only take paypal! offer higher it’s yours contact me on discord: satoru#1337
  22. ios na eu, true proof smurf

    i’m selling this true proof smurf with candy girl, trickster, soul emissary, etc. for $150 via paypal only! i can discount for quick buyers contact me on discord: satoru#1337 this edit was by the old owner btw!
  23. ios na eu, makoto, the fugitive, trickster, etc.

    not my account! promoting for my friend, lf price offers starting from $100! paypal only dm them on their discord: vyxnilla#0681
  24. / selling | viper, pirate emma, p5 skins | android na/eu

    hello!! today i am looking to trade/sell this viper account! it is a season 1 account with limited emotes, graffiti, etc. notable skins are: pirate emma/pirate shipwright, steam teen, ryuji sakamoto, ann takamaki, makoto nijima, puppeteer, trickster, crimson bride, soundwave.. there is no dmm on...
  25. iOS,NAEU:Inferno Sonata,Golden Ratio,Crimson bride+

    I’m mostly looking for Pirate Spotter, or any Thief/Magician limited skin! Account size doesn’t matter.