lotro account

  1. Selling  Renown/Infamy Farming Evernight [EU]

    I offer to boost your freep or creep. I also offer to sell you account with a rank 15 character of your choice. Price is negotiable. PM me on Discord with offers or for more information: joefrancois Preffered payment method is Paypal
  2. Selling  WTS High-End account with Guardian and Championon Arkenstone!

    1) GUARDIAN - 150 LVL Gear: 6/6 - full set VIRTUE TRAIT - Full CRAFTING - Jeweller - Cook (t15) WEAPON - all tracery gold RANK: 9 2) CHAMPION - 150 LVL Gear: 6/6 - Full Set VIRTUE TRAIT - 7 full trait 3 . CRAFTING: No WEAPON - all tracery gold (3 sets) Achievement: "Original Challenger of Makhda...
  3. Buying  WTA Lotro lifetime vip

    Dm me if you have lotro lifetime vip account don't put overkill price! about 120Eur :D
  4. WTB Lifetime Account

    Hi, I wanna buy a Lifetime Account from Year 2007 with some Points would be great. Fast Payment
  5. Lifetime LOTRO VIP Account

    Looking to buy Lifetime VIP account with all expansions(Umbar not necessary) Please message with offers and details!
  6. Lifetime VIP account

    Hi everyone! :) I've decided to sell my Lotro (lifetime VIP) account. Over the past two years, I've been playing on and off, and I don't know, I don't feel like playing it anymore. So, what's on the account? 1. Lifetime VIP + 8000 lotro points 2. 5000k+ gold (on rk and champ combined), 200...
  7. EU High-end account Brawler/Beorning

    Hello. Would like to sell my account with raid geared toons: Rank 10 Brawler (Sagroth t3 completed): Rank 8 beorning (HH T3 completed): Still VIP for a next month: Msg me on forum or Discord - Hardwell#9808, payment method is BTC only. Will sell to higher offer, thanks for attention.
  8. WTB Lifetime LOTRO Account

    Greetings! I am looking to purchase a lifetime account with as much content as possible, preferably with all expansions and a lot of the game's perks, cosmetics, mounts, etc. It doesn't need to have decked out high-level characters or LP necessarily, I'm more interested in the content and will...
  9. LTA 16 Years w all Frames and T5 Loremaster

    Seeling my 16 Years old LTA Account All Frames Included Original Owner i got every Licenz Keys and all Legendary Stuff from Moria to End Game. Included all Ultimate Expansion 70K ingame Gold 140 Loremaster T4+ T5 Challenges done. Fully Geared and Ready for Adventure PM...
  10. Evernight Freep Rank farm service

    Hey everyone, looking rank farm for freep side can pay well pls ims
  11. Lifetime LOTRO account for sale

    Looking for £150 Has over £400 worth of expansions plus original cost. 20000 Store Tokens All expansions unlocked over 11 years 11 Characters from 40 - 115 Full Item bags and storage upgrades Subscription Plan Next Billing Date: 12/31/2037 9:00:00 PM Signup Date 6/1/2011 Game Version History...
  12. wtb lifetime account

    doesnt need characters, but some LP would be great please only sellers with decent reviews
  13. SOLD  Lifetime endgame account + 16.000 LP + R9 PVP

    Lifetime lotro account with 2 end-game characters. The account is on Arkenstone. All expensions are there. Account is 15y/o. Lvl 140 Minstrel Lvl 140 Hunter (R5) Lvl 68 Burglar (R9) Lvl 62 Rune-keeper (on landroval) The level 140 character have maxed out teal and gold legendary items and good...
  14. Selling 10 year old Lotro Acc

    I am interested to sell my Main Account because i am done with that game, 10 years old many Chars , Shelob T5 First kill on many chars and more. Geared chars for pvp on burg,champ,champ,capt and more. all main chars over r10 in moors. For more infos add me here or discord. Multiwild#1607
  15. Selling Multi 140 account Evernight

    Selling my multi 140 account including: 140 Beorning 140 Warden 140 Lore Master Many alts below 40 with max crafts Account has every expansion except Gundabad but the 140s are geared ready to start Gundabad instances, if you buy the middle expansion or highest tier you will get a valar for a lvl...
  16. WTT multi char evernight

    Wanting to trade my 7 year account 140 beorning pvp/pve geared and all traceries for LIS 140 warden pvp/pve geared and all traceries for LIS 125 LM gear up to 135, traceries on LIS Many alts below 50 with max crafting All expansions apart from gundabad owned. Message me on here for more...
  17. WTS LOTRO accounts with most quest packs owned

    Heya all, selling some LOTRO accounts with most of the quest packs, great value in here. you can message me on discord: Demsy#4011 I can send screenshots of the owned items in the store, you will also get the original email, password and other information. Im looking for around $35 USD Content...
  18. High-end Multiacc NA

    Hello, wts account with 3 high end toons on Arkenstone. It's have Ultimate Gundabad, Ultimate MM, VIP till december, have been done Remm t5, AD t5, Balrog t3, got another Aria 1-130 in shared storage. All questions in IMS or discord Hardwell#9808, not gonna sell it cheap tho. Account is 2 years...
  19. WTB simple Lifetime account, all/,most expansions, nothing else

    I'm looking to buy a lifetime account with expansions and no characters. I don't mind if there are characters on it, but I don't care about what they have. PM me here with offers please, thanks! ☺️
  20. Selling  Wts High-end Evernight acc champ/burg/cappy/rk/hunter/guard full geared [EU]

    Evernight champ/burg/cappy/rk/hunter/guard full geared ( T5 REM+AD, T3 FoKD done) +some 120lvl All have full capped virtues(all 21virtues 75lvl) Traits 95 all characters legendary items for all swaps on all characters VIP more then 6 month. Who is interested write me on discord , l am waiting...
  21. New Fresh Acc Global! Gandalf and Unique Acc!

    Global Server - New Fresh Acc Discord: Tulaka#1369 Paypal - 10$ Gandalf And Unique Item!
  22. SOLD  WTS VIP High-End Champion/Burg on Evenight,all expantions and 5k lp

    Hello! Selling High-End Acc! - VIP acc (till 10/2021) with ALL Expantions and Qsts packs. - Server Evernight. - All bags unlocked, 78% mount run speed - 4900 Lotro Points Сharacters: Champion - 130 LVL - rank 11 - 4 trait lines - ALL virtues 75 LVL, 95 trait points - Rem bracelets ,2 Sets...
  23. BOUGHT  WTB Premium accounts with 8k LP

    Wanna to buy six accounts (maybe more if the price is right) with: Premium 8k LP or Aria of the Valar 0-120 lvl on ANY EU sever. Let me know what you got and how much you want for it. Send me offers on pm or discord Discord:PoGgold#6415
  24. LOTRO life time account 1st hand

    Hello, i want to sell my Lotro lifetime account 13+ years old. 0 negative record. All expansions/quest packs 1 Valar lvl 120 boost around 1500 LP Free server transfer (only to Bullroarer and Palantir) 4 chars between 105 and 65. (Rank 9 Burglar). I played quite hardcore from lvl 50 to 85, so...