hi i sell
base lv 30 have email
power 370m
state 969
>300 gold tickets
have 14 immigration tickets
good tech and have all t 11
check image for more infomation
price : 110 usd
id line :bakawing
pay: binane, paypal, western union.
Special Offer, a Good shape Base 29Lv on state 1, comes with 16 immigration tickets, advanced Building and Technology.
Character Info
Nickname: satuLangit#1$$
Power: 436930052
VIP: 1
Season Specialization point: 115
T10Technology Specialization: 100
Unit Specialty Power: 3204160...
hi. sell base 25 state 1395
have email
power 60m
full tech t9 vehicle and shooter
lv domsday 38/40
have 550 gold tickets
price : 100 usd
paypal, binance, western union
pm line :bakawing
if you want i can list it on lastsher sell account.
Information as seen in the title.
Account has 4 extra vehicles, The Great Engineer Hero and 4 lvl 19 Base Farms. Original owner, Username and Pass will be given after purchase
Payment methods: Paypal/Zelle
Discord: SaintNova#4445
$550 or best offer!
Base 4 Sale – Above average low spender
Key Points:
- 340M Kills (lower than should be just don’t play KE beyond 9 boxes and never been a farm killer)
- 29M Hero Power (details below)
- Maxed Buildings
- Standard Tech complete, CE 35%
- Power: >260M
State: 83
Immigration group: 1001
Email: yes
Tickets: 10,
Power: 300 mil + after eden
DD spec: 110
CE Tech: 41%
Super tickets: 59
A lot of rss.
Parts: 2 Bane gold set, 1 Phantom gold set
4 Ranger gold parts, 4 Dreadnaught gold part 2 gold plus other misc trailblazer...
Selling my LAST SHELTER full base 25 account
Base level 25 with full T9 troops in state #66 with ~1,438,078 diamonds with 1,195,721,920 enemy troops killed
Total power ~170m
Troop power ~135m
Building power ~3,497m
Tech power ~12m
Hero power ~18m...
⚜️Line ID andromeda.171
PM More info
Immediate delivery✔️
The best prices✔️
*Good Fortune
*steel core Black/Pink
*Dino Blue/Red
*Blast into Sky
*Steam Fortress
*Floating CiTy
*Dragon Palace
*Temple of Anubis
*Dragon Bone Camp
*Castle of Spooks
*Eternal palace
*Crimson Sky
Base level 25 for sales in the 7XX states. 1.8m build power, 9.5m tech power, VIP shop unlocked (level 2), multiple season X heroes with 7/8 skills unlocked. BB 2 parts made, 1 gold vehicle set, one gold shooter set. Multiple farms available if required. DD spec level 84.
I sell b13 - b21 farms in any state. All farms come with max RSS collectors (depending on the base level)
The farms also are created using a dummy email address, this means once the payment has been verified I will give the email and password.
Contact me for further information.
Hi, i sell account and play other state with my friend
base 25 siege master lv 110
state 969 just done dd ss3
have 7 tickets for immigration to other state
domsday lv 60
t9 vehicle
t9 shooter
50m power
kill 320m
7.3m tech
2 gold set shooter
1 gold set vehicle
2 week will begin dd ss4...
I'm selling B25 with T9 vehicle, couple max level and skill heroes, 300k dias, full phantom gold parts.
State 934
Selling for $250, mail included, so you have full control for the account
Can verify through in game mail after contact
For more info contact:
LINE : hiropaw
Last shelter survival account
Base 25
3.5 million tech power
1.1 million building power
T10 vehicles
Over 1 million diamonds
Lots of rss
Lots of stuff in inventory
Line: naf1112
All accounts are powerfull farms. I use b21 as farm but its research and heroes are good. Can migrate between state 1-760.
I can sell individually or collectively.
Reach me for questions and screenshots.
Lineıd: egemon35
Nonsessional heroes and t9's full
Nastya and Venom Walker 7 skill.
1 b21 , 7 b19 farm (all with mail) //
you can buy with farms or only main account
Vip opened.
Full set Phantom.
Tickets are ready for migraiton.
Ask me your questions and for screenshots LineID: egemon35
Selling my LAST SHELTER high end base 25 account,(I dont have more time to play, then i'll sell )
Base level 25 with full T9 troops in state #66 with ~812.000 diamonds
Total power ~107m
Troop power ~83m
Building power ~2.8m
Tech power ~10m
Hero power ~13m
~MAX Reasearches...
Main base + 8 level 19 farms
Price: $1,200 or best reasonable offer. Send offers I’ll listen
Email: No. Can reset your password anytime
Heroes: Some maxed SX down to S1. All maxed oranges and development heroes
Migration range: 1001-1004 (1-480 I think?)
Migration tickets: 5
Middleman: No ...
I can provide you farms in any state at cheapest price:
Base 13
Base 16
Base 19
""""""""Discount on bulk purchase""""""
Successfully delivered 200+ farms so far with fastest delivery.
Contact Details:
Whatsapp: +92 313 3179990
LINE ID: lssfarming
Note: (small L in line ID) ^
State 109
Building Power: 3.6M
Technology Power: 10.6M
Hero Power: 16.6M
All CP - 50m (after war...)
Siege Master 130
Doomsday Specialties 62
Tech without t10 - (Near-Maxed, use it during CoZ research days to get recruitment tickets: Successful Siege hostage 4/20, Hold the Fort 0/20. This...
account level 19 Farmer Strong
In the process of making the golden piece
Powerful in agriculture
A number of golden heroes with repetition
It can be immigrated by buying an immigration ticket
With a number of gold and S4 cards
I will be happy to answer any questions you may have
ID Line...
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