OG mail owner, on ranking (because it is tied to my personal mail, wants it to be changed to yours)
C/O - $800 USD
A/W - $2000 USD
DM me here, only do transaction in EpicNPC if possible, or else can discord and paypal
285+ zero:
- 7 pitched w/ 22 stars (left earring, belt and heart)
- all skill...
Don't have the time anymore to progress this account, and the foundation is too good to let sit and rot. Take advantage before the new Legion Champion system comes in.
If you'd like to see more account info, view the imgur album for gear specifics or ask alternate questions please comment or dm...
End Game Hyperion Account
S>Level 285+ Night lord main - 72k luk w oz ring - 9k+ legion - 360m CP
Original owner
-comes with original email
26x Lynn - 70m w cont4 - ctene lib 5/8
27x NW - 90m w Tot3 - ctene lib 2/8 - 2k frags - 22* mep - Large dr fam + 20%bd fam + 20% ied fam
26x DS - 40m w...
AS topic says, I am moving on in life and dont have time for MMORPGS anymore.
So I am now selling my beloved account which I spent alot of money and countless hours on!
EU Heroic Solis
9.1k+ Legion
27X Fire Poison, Large drop fam, Boss fams,BIS Heal fams, Cont 4, Ror 4
27X Shadower, Large...
lvl 28X Night lord main.
9 Nlomien boss mules (All can clear weeklies under 30minutes)
Legacy Abyssal legion block
Original owner
-comes with original email address
30% BD fam x 1
Large healing fams x 4
Large item DR x 1
35k culv pre lib
$xxxx + spent on nx
3 vac pets...
Discord: ari4896
Hello, we are currently providing Amirdrassil Raids Mythic & Heroic. (EU)
Raid Name: Amirdrassil, the Dream's Hope
Mythic Difficulty: Loot from 7/9 Bosses (Gnarlroot until Smolderon)
Heroic Difficulty: 2 Options
1) lootshare, 15-20 of us boost 10-15 people
2) VIP, 16 of...
Hi all,
Selling my long-played EU account. It has 9x level 70 characters, many mounts, over +200k gold, various professions and achievements, mythic raid progression on main char ( 9/9HC, 4/9M), decent raider.io (2500), and much more!
It has Swift Zulian Tiger, and many other noteworthy mounts...
WTS Dungeon HC++(Defense Protocol Beta) - I will do it instead of you.
Price is negotiable.
Discord: onemomentos
✅VPN for any country.
✅Stream (optional).
✅Experience for any class.
1 more Inquistor Card needed to progress to maxed out Inquisitor, Heroic Item for Jay. Legendary (speed) armor. See photos.
Currently situated in a guild that has an unbroken chain of getting first place in tournament (and therefore a legendary card).
If you got questions, ask :)
Payment Options
Venmo, Zelle, or Messenger Pay or PayPal
Gold on any faction or server (US Only)
Discord: phantomous_sales
We're back and selling Mythic Nerub'ar Palace!
We sell loot funnels specifically by armor type, tier, trinkets, rare items, and more!
We are currently offering 4/8 and 6/8M...
Hello everyone, i won a Dragonflight Heroic edition Region US code and i can't redeem it because i'm in Europe, so i want to sell it for like 50$ (the original price is 70$) in order to buy the standard edition, it's a win-win situation i guess.
Contact me on my discord for more details ...
hi i have 5 heroic edition guild wars 2 account good for farming daily login reward and parking spot and festival and home nodes
(you will have full access to the email so its safe )
easy to mange in one email and have the same password
i m trading those 5 account + 20 dollar for end of...
Hello everyone!
I've been selling stuff online for 7 years. It's time to provide WoW Sepulcher of the First Ones Tier Bosses.
► Over 5000 Transaction all these years.
► Cheap Prices.
► Fast Response.
► Customer Satisfaction Priority.
► Over 18 Hours Online in a Day.
► Trusted Seller.
I'm selling all my accounts on Warmane... I have accounts on Icecrown and Frostmourne.
Account 1:
- Paladin Holy (3900gs and 3600 Tank, 3400 Retri)
- Warrior 3300gs
- Hunter 5300 gs with Bow [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas] HEROIC 284
Price: $60 (changeable)...
Selling endgame account has most bis stuff other than some brooches on head pants and gloves. Equipment are all rolled already. Has been competitive in ranking. Comes with some costumes and zenny. Spare AR cards stocking for next patch. DM me on discord for more details. []#5083
Looking for...
Play with highly professional boosters capable of boosting you on any PvE content you like
BootyBay does Selfplay/US Boosts ONLY
How do I buy a Boost?
Step 1:
Contact us by the discord bootybay#1497
Step 2:
Schedule your boost
Step 3:
Show up on the scheduled day and enjoy!
Step 4:
We are a team offering Heroic dungeons / Raid clears ,
Located on [US]Herod-Horde server.
For any additional information and prices (they are changing) please contact us on Discord: GitGudBoost#4789
We are a group of competitive players, offering cheap boosting services for Mythic + dungeons.
Services we provide:
-Mythic dungeons 8/8 clear
-Mythic+ 0-15 clear
(Selfplay or Piloted with VPN of your country)
Cheap and competitive prices!
For prices, raid dates, or ANY additional...
OFFER: Selling 100 for a total of 1750 USD
I have 1000+ Shadowlands Heroic Keys for sale.
Price is 20 Each. Not selling single keys.
Only accepting BTC or some other cryptos ATM.
DC: Shel#7592
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