
  1. HM 49 GUNSLINGER - eu

    WTS my own account, solid account excluding the 4 bottom row accessories which i left the old system ones so you get to decide how you wanna upgrade it, currently have 3k+ bound mats and 100k HMC + 10k+ in venture tokens to use on rng chests if you wanna upgrade them in the future ( Using the...
  2. Selling  FS Arcadian - Gunner 13257 GS / 3 Parts Disciple - 2 eternal /East

    Account has 218 mana storms, collectible typhoon drake, hawk glider, snowflake power stone pet,1067 gilda, 100 divine keys. Weapon is 30%+ to eternal. Should take 1 week to upgrade it. Got enough scrolls to awaken all accessories. The only thing without perfect stats is the undergarments which...
  3. EUC Thirain 1445 Gunner 4x 1415 Valtan Chars, 8x T3's 46k+ gold included

    Hello i wanna sell my EuC Thirain Account. i have 8 T3's 4 of them are 1415 and 1 is 1445. The Account has 15m+ silver and 46k+ gold on it. If you have questions u can add me in Discord : Bandyta#5679. The Steamaccount was only made for Lost ark. Price is negotiable
  4. EU-Mystel 5lvl70 + 780k Gold/ Veteran ACC

    Veteran account, all characters have blue gear since i haven't played in a while. Does have a few skins + mounts and alot of extra gold in items on bank tab 4 you can sell. Price is 80 Euros (Paypal only) Contact me on Discord: Tempo4S#2221 or via epicnpc chat box
  5. Account Elyon Slayer Gunner Archer

    Hola Guys, I'm selling my Elyon account EU Andromeda !!! Server EU: Andromeda Faction: Ontari Luminous: 3 (Corona T5, Altar T4 and Shield T5) Pet: 3 (Premium T4, Normal T4 and CatArmor T3) Lv PG: - Slayer46 595GS Main PG - Gunner45 540GS - Archer45 549GS - Slayer42 338GS DungeonPG...
  6. Selling 117k+ MAtk VG!

    Price negotiable. Example grids below. Contact Incon#6905 on discord. Thanks!
  7. [EU] Andromeda Gunner 530 GS LVL 46 20% Ontari lumi t5 Pet T5 prempet t4 100€

    Hi i sell this accout : 100€ on paypal Pm me here if interested or on discord Manu - BloodMoon#8563
  8. Gunner lvl 46.67% | 569GS+ | Elementalist lvl45 | EU Andromeda: Ontari

  9. Gunner 46lvl | 514ilvl | EU Andromeda!Ontari

  10. 👑[EU - Andromeda - Ontari] Gunner 513ilvl - Lvl 46 - 80%👑

    !! SOLD !! Gunner Lvl 46 80%, Female Server: Andromeda (EU) Faction: Ontari Mana Awakening Level: 32 Gearscore: 513 All Pre-Order Packages (worth of 100€) See imgur for full details: Overview Luminus: T5 Luminous Arrow (fate) T3 Luminous Dragon (fate) T4 Pet - 8% Exp Key items: Founders...
  11. Selling Global 304K 89k Matk 20 Dc2 Hnm Gunner 159 classes $500

    Selling my account that started as paladin but evolved to gunner main. All vanguard weapons A - S fully evolved for codex entries. All obtained A -S nightmares evolved for codex. Multiple "Girl's School Uniform" outfits obtained. Many armor set skills maximized. I have kept a copy (and fully...
  12. 🌟[NGS] Pso2:Global All Class Max level + 4 ⭐gears affixed | BP1400+ 240$

    Wanna catch up with people in NGS? [PSO2: New Genesis] Server: Global Gu/Hu or Gu/Ra --Battle Power: 1400-- --Quick Summary:-- ** Able to do all the contents of the game ** Has Progression on original PSO2 ** All Class Maxed Level ** Main/Story Quest Finished ** +40 Multi-Weapon Affixed...
  13. [Global] 300k Crusher w/ ALL weapon grids | 134 Classes | 500 USD

    Hey, looking to sell my whale VG account. All grids have full skill levels in them, gunner one has all skill levels to a minimum of 15. Looking to concentrate on my life and put competitive gacha behind me. Wanting to sell before the start of GC12. Get this account for the 1 year anniversary...
  14. SOLD

  15. [NGS] [PSO2:Global] Ra/Fo/Hu/Gu/Fi max level + 4 star gears affixed | bp1334

    Wanna catch up with people in NGS? [PSO2: NGS] Server: Global Currently able to do all content of NGS, including the Urgent Quest Main Quest Finished Side Quest almost all finished Ship: 02 Can be changed by topping-up AC Stats without buffs/shifta/deband: --Battle Power: 1334--...
  16. [NA] Rank 203 | 267.6K VG | 82.1K MAtk | $275 OBO

    Has both paladin and gunner colo ready; 82.1K MAtk and 79.7K MAtk respectively Looking to get $275 but you can offer me what you think is a fair price NM subgrid almost all L. Melinda#0001 Update: Got 2 more classes. Snow White and Pino from festival banner
  17. 238k+ Vanguard. MAtk focused. Grids for Alice and Snow White HNM. 72k~ matk

    31x MLB weapons, rank 195, lots of puri tickets. Grids ready for both, gunner and paladin. Currently close to 1k crystals. Got everything matk related on the rozen maiden collab. Has rank 1 title on GC2. (went chill afterwards) Have lots of good phys weapons too. Lots of upgrade and evo mats...
  18. selling account cuz i do not play the game!

    i had fun playing this game and every blood sweat and tears! but it is time to sell my account with huges memories! two most played chars: - Euw Oreo - ÄYAYA every char that this account has outfits and stuff i only accept paypal buyer pays the paypal fees aswell - price 250 euro...
  19. 20.3M Gunner. EST1 Vip-16 700USD

    I am back to school and can no longer play. DM me for serious offers. No low balling -20m Thunder gunner with thunder swordsman as third class. -Server: EST1 -VIP16 -Over 20k USD invested into the account -SSS pet unlocked -All deploy pet slots unlocked
  20. Blade and Soul Account EU

    Hallo ich verkaufe meinen Blade and soul Acoount es sind Sin HM 20 , WL HM 21 und ein Archer HM 19 drauf da ich den acc nicht mehr spiele will ich ihn verkaufen bei ernsthafter interesse bitte melden ich setze es auf 500euro an wer ihn will kann mir ja einen preis sagen nehme gerne...
  21. +8M GUNNER (Fire/Fire) VIP 14 (eu-1) 600$

    Hi, Selling My +8 M Gunner (Fire/Fire) VIP 14 (Dummy email Available) Rank #1 in Gunner Overall Rank #6 Secondary Class and Main Class Change Available and Element change also available Server : EU - 1 (Three Months Old) Re 4 Daily Assistant and Monthly pack Available for a Month Cycle Level ...
  22. [NA] Endgame Account all Class Max level Ship1 Gu/Fi max gears 2m DPS

    GAME: PHANTASY STAR ONLINE 2 REGION: NA SERVER : SHIP01 [END GAME ACCOUNT] Future proof in the next release content Jump right in to the end game ! Premium until : 7/19/2020 00:11 Mission Gold Pass Calculated DPS: 2m+ in 10 seconds Unlocked all Difficulty Can solo all content of the game...
  23. Level 70 Gunner Elin, Velika Server, iLevel 456, APEX/Nightmare

    Class: Gunner Race: Elin Gender: Female Server: Velika AdvSkills: 144p Gear: Exodor Level 70 iLevel 456 Storyline: APEX/Nightmare Finished Image: On delivery, you will get the email that was used to register the account, along with the actual account. PA Link...
  24. SOLD  NA.S10-Sumiza Unlock (BM/SD/Sin/Gun/Fighter)

    Hello... Good days Sir, Im trying to sell my account, i hope someone will be interest in it u can see the pict below for all the detail. All the Gem Core at LV 10, im still playing this account so there will be update on rating etc in the future, This account in Free 2 Play, never...
  25. 4.4 M Gunner (Fire/Thunder) VIP 7 (R 12 Set)

    Hi, Selling My 4.4 M Gunner (Fire/Thunder) VIP 7 (Dummy email Available) Rank #6 in Gunner (if u change Character to Mage/Miko u will be #1, change to warrior u become #2, change to swordsman #2) Overall Rank #9 Secondary Class and Main Class Change Available and Element change also available...