elsword account

  1. Selling  Elsword Rift - Elrios Rift ED 11$/1B

    ELRIOS RIFT ED 💰Current Price: $11:1b * 🙌 Buy Bulk ? : DM for Your Rate! 🙌 Payment method: ✅PayPal ✅Indonesian Payment (Dana,Bank,etc) Fee : buyer My discord is reedyhehe#4090 Discord ID: 195433319805091840 (If you are new check the ID of my discord account to avoid imposters)
  2. [NA] Chung account Elsword

    DA acc +11 VoS stage 5 BnW title Freed Shadow title +9 r15 Tenebrous armor SK 8/9 Pets - Snowy (almost 4k, enco cd) - Hedge Eve (4k, skill mp cost decrease) Collection mostly important characters done 325$ - can negociate/you can offer can dm on disc: kimochiguy
  3. SOLD  S> [Elsword Rift] Rose (Black Massacre) 6,8m ERP 45x +11 SoA S3

    S> [Elsword Rift] Rose (Black Massacre) 6,8m (DVC) ERP 45x IBs: 8/10 SK, 9/9 AuM DM me on discord for more details @rzexious +11 SoA S3 DMG +11 VoS IDR +11 FoJ EXP +11 FoJ No Mystic [2 Abyssal Incense Box Cube [1 is used)] Tenebrous Armor (+11 TBGS R20/15/21/15 L1/2/3 Perfect Stat) AP Crimson...
  4. [ELSWORD RIFT] S>ara (apsara) 7.4m cp weapon soa

    S> [Elsword Rift] Ara (Apsara) 7.4m CP ERP lv 41x IBs: Full set AuM , 5/5 SK +11 SoA Stage 2 +11 VoS Stage 5 +11 FoJ +11 Tene Top Ref 15 l2 Phys Attack +11 Tene Glove Ref 18 l2 Bravery Damage +10 2/4 Rigo Bot and Shoes Titles : BnW,Freed Shadow,GoSC already have SoA cube 300$ still negotiable...
  5. [INT] S> TP accounnt 6.7M CP +11 VOS

    Twins Picaro Main 34x ERP 6.7m CP Account is still being played actively Weapon Gears: +11 VoS stage 5 Armor Gears: look other pic Titles: Costumes IB: Sacred Knights 5/5 Mode of Payment: Dana Can Contact on Discord or Here @gazer_xd
  6. Sell elsword account 160$ server NA

    Hi im selling my elsword account for 160 only paypal im the only owner so i give mail and password,all the ibs are permanent from events discord: leficios. or Lefi#2701 thanks you can view my revies that im legit selling elsword accounts includes original costume chung 3rd class from event...
  7. [EU] IT Account main Noah/Rena ERP 400 +

    Hello, I'm selling an elsword Italian Account on the EU server. MAIN NOAH AND RENA (both +11 VOS) 400+ ERP Content : Rigomor RED R17 / R18 / R18 /R18 ALL +11 Noah : VOS +11 Stage 5 Titles : Black And White, 15-6 and 11-5 Duelist pvp SET : Top +11 Bot +9 Gloves +11 Shoes +9 Fully maxed...
  8. S> Elsword INT Account Doom Bringer +12 soa 14M cp

    Add Doom Bringer (Main +12 SoA Stage 5) 14m CP TITLE = (Nature Flow, ,BnW ,Freed Shadow, Night Parade, etc) EQUIPMENT AND ARTIFACT TENEBROUS 4/4 T + 11 R21 All Skill dmg +1.35%, Deal Conti dmg 10%, Damage increase by 2% B + 11 R21 All Skill dmg +1.5%, Party dmg red 10%, Damage increase by...
  9. (INT) +12 SoA ara Account.

    S> Acc Ara +12 SoA - 10m CP net ( Current using gear sp as Surya) 77% Purification of 3rd drop Abyss. 46x Abyss Aura Purifier. Can join any content in Elsword. x2 ERP page (DPS) - (Exp+Drop). Gears: +12 SoA ( Perfect Mystic) ( 28/35 to S5). +11 VoS ( Perfect Exp farm). +11 Tene Top rf 15. +11...
  10. [NA] S>+11 Elesis Acccount 37X ERP

    11+ SoA Elesis, Playble Rose with 11+ VoS. Full 11+ 2/4 Tene (R21/R21/R20/R19) 3/3 Sharp Abyss (Phantom Crest + Incense) 3K Pet Points +11 Item Drop rate Stage 5 VoS 37x ERP IB: SK 8/9 , AP 5/5 Titles: Bnw, Freed, Gocs, etc... Artifact: Yellow 🟡 Ring: 10% CDMG, 2% Polarize Ring: 7% CDMG, 2%...
  11. SOLD  (Elsrift) Costume Ice Burner Radiant Flower Eve 9/9 (Fullset) Only 30$!

    SELL Costume Ice Burner Radiant Flower Eve 9/9 (Fullset) 30$ See More 👇👇👇 ELRIOS RIFT ED 💰Current Price: $15:1b * 🙌 Buy Bulk ? : DM for Price! 🙌 🏷️Restock Everyday🏷️ Payment method: ✅PayPal Fee : buyer My discord is reedyhehe#4090 Discord ID: 195433319805091840 (If you are new check the...
  12. SOLD  Elrios Rift Accout Laby RaS Cp 4,1M Erp 302. Just 90$

    SELL ACCOUNT FAST! Price 120$ 90$ ONLY Full Description Laby RaS Cp 4,1M Erp 302 +11 FOJ Perfevt Mytic +10 FOJ Exp VoSBar 60%-+ *Tene top Damage continue 9% +11 R15 *Tene Glove Asd 1,5% ,Brav 10% +11 R11 Crimosn +10 R12,21,12,21 Sage +10 R12 Acc Soul crown,MR 3/3,acc rosso 3/3 IB AuM 3/4...
  13. INT S> Diur account soa +11 s4 8m CP

    S> Diur ERP311 SoA S4 acc's ran tene Full R15 +10/9/10/9 SK FULL for more infs, disc: lunius2500
  14. S> [NA] Raven Endgame Account

    Selling > Raven Main & Chung Account (B/O 800$) See Picture below!! For more Info contact me on discord: tiabun Unopened Abyss Raid Cube! (Weapon or Crest) Raven (Revenant) +11 VoS Stage 5 and BnW 5/5 Yellow Artifact, all Legend Forces + almost all Unique Forces Chung (Comet Crusader) +9 VoS...
  15. [NA] S> 400+ ERP raven account 9.3m+ cp

    ERP : ( 3 pages, dps page, exp page, pvp page ) Gear: ereda rings, plegas manifestion acc, soul crown, ran sword, baryon fur, ely' wood suit , conversion ring full +11 rigo r21 have both +11 tene top and glove bot and shoe is +8 ( tene is r0 ) perfect lines SoA +11 s4 ( almost s5) with Natural...
  16. Boost Level or Account Starter Level 99 Elsword (Elrios Rift)

    :coffee: BOOST LEVEL ELRIOS RIFT :coffee: 💰Current Price: $7.5 / Account * 🏷️Starter Account Leveling (Inc henir outfit, +10 FJ, Amethyst Prophecy etc.)🏷️ Payment method: ✅PayPal ✅USDT/ETH Fee : buyer My discord is reedyhehe#4090 Discord ID: 195433319805091840 (If you are new check the ID of...
  17. SOLD  [NA] Selling Laby +6.5m cp, ERP 370+, 2 BnW Titles

    Selling main Laby account with 6.5m combat power, same account has an add with 5.5m combat power 370+ ERP, laby had a wrong color artifact and it has 6.5m cp without synergy so the real combat power will be higher for more details ask in PM Discord: symbolofpeace Screenshots:
  18. S> +11 Amulet = Kching or Pay pal

    S> +11 Amulet (Enhancement) NOTE: I Can Do MIDMAN (as long as trusted by this Site) Payment Method : Pay pal Friends and Family (Buyers pay the Fee) , Can Accept KCHING Inbox me for my Discord or Send me a Direct Message SUCCESSFUL TRANSACTIONS SOLD - 8/8 Hamel Artic Officer Eve SOLD - +11...
  19. INT S> CA account 10.2m cp tene +11 full r21, soa +11 s4

    S> Eve CA 10.2M CP ERP 418 SoA +11 S4 (21/35) Tene Full R21 (+11/+10/+11/+10) All title End game All accs End game For more infs: Lunius#2500
  20. [INT] Elsword Chung Dius Aer SOA+11 $250 Rp.3.000.000

    WTS INT Server Chung Dius Aer CP 7,069m DP 328K Erp 3xx IB Sacred Knight 9/10 5/5 + 4/5 (Wep,ACC Top,ACC Bot,Face Middle) Fiore Capela For Barbie + Exp Set Have Defend Set Up To 394k Def Els Party Collection 56/56 (Master Class 24/56) Title: Black And White,Night Parade,GOE,SOTC Equipment : +11...
  21. (NA) + 12 SOA EVE Account 460 ERP

    460 ERP Eve 14m CP with full collection, + 11 r21 tenebrous armor and + 12 SOA stage 4, with Natural Flow. Message me for price or more info(if you aren't buying don't msg me) No lowball or scammers. Discord: froshot
  22. BOUGHT  [Elsrift] B> Rena + Raven Account

    Looking for both Rena and Raven ElsRift Elsword accounts Must be at least one of the following: Raven account preference ( In order) Rena account preference ( In order) Price: Negotiable Middleman Only DM me more photo's Offering USD
  23. [INT] B > Ain Account

    Looking for Ain account any class, BL (Bluhen) preffered. Offer your spec account + price on my discord below. Max budget at 150$ or can higher depends on the account spec. Discord : Liz#0512
  24. SOLD  (NA) Elesis FL Account 5m+ combat power ERP 300

    ACCOUNT INFORMATION: Main: Elesis Flame Lord with +5M combat power Equipment: Vestige of Soul - Requiem Weapon - +11 Enhancement Level - Evolution: Stage 5 Black and White Title 4/4 Crimson, Reforge: 15/15/15/15 Enhancement Level 9/9/9/9 | All boss damage 2.5% sockets 4/4 Sage, Reforge...
  25. S>12+Vos/11+ Soa Luciel/ara Account 39X ERP

    Information in the docs. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_7miVryVUBLYkb3fgHMSGamKB5HZaBVJT3UwlVCM3Wk/edit No b/o, feel free to offer. Paypal only through friends & family transfer. Please DM me on Epicnpc to buy or to ask questions. Don't lowball.