• Trade Guardian is recommended. EpicNPC does NOT use Discord. We only investigate disputes if Trade Guardian is used.


  1. SOLD  🔥Megawhale Glb🔥 98/99LR 98/99Lead 5350 STONES 3250login days 740+ Rainbows

    Selling this heavy Whale Global with 5350 Stones on IOS Device 🔥🍀🔥🍀🔥🍀🔥 3259 Login Days 6.630.000. Million Power 98/99 P2P LR - 70Rainbow 4/4 WWC LR 4/4 Anni LR (All Rainbow) (Missing only Omega) 98/99 58-Cost-Lead - 52Rainbow (Missing only Radditz) 743 Total Rainbow Units 5K Coins Combined...
  2. SOLD  2Kday Global 84p2plr 57rb new Gogeta & Beast 490rbs 88lead

    2K Day Global Whale - 84P2PLR 57rainbow new BeastGohan and Gogeta - 490Full Rainbows - rare Units 88Lead 61 Rainbows - 6/10 Mono Type - T7BZ For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 or message me at my Instagram Page @bant7bzmobile...
  3. SOLD  JP Whale Dokkan 88p2plr 93lead Over 500 Rainbows 136 Total LRs

    Great JP Whale Dokkan - 88P2PLR - 93Lead 527 full 100% Rainbow - 45 Stones Ios - T7BZ#8017 For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 or message me at my Instagram Page @bant7bzmobile https://www.instagram.com/bant7bzmobile?igsh=MTNiYzNiMzkwZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 100% positive...
  4. SOLD  3217 DAY Global Super Rare - Rank680 78p2plr 89lead

    3200+ DAY Global Dokkan - T7BZ#8017 Price 250€ 🔥🔥🔥 For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 or message me at my Instagram Page @bant7bzmobile https://www.instagram.com/bant7bzmobile?igsh=MTNiYzNiMzkwZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use...
  5. Buying  Dokkan Battle Whales with 82+ sum lrs + 90+ leads Only! Fast payment

    Hello im looking for Dokkan Whale Global or JP Both!!! For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 or message me at my Instagram Page @bant7bzmobile https://www.instagram.com/bant7bzmobile?igsh=MTNiYzNiMzkwZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can...
  6. SOLD  Global Whale 1.7Mio 86/88LR 94Lead New Gohan New Frieza

    Price = 320€ 1700 Day Global 86P2PLR 94Lead 1.7Mio Power 322 full 100% RB - T7Bz#8017 For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 or message me at my Instagram Page @bant7bzmobile https://www.instagram.com/bant7bzmobile?igsh=MTNiYzNiMzkwZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr 100% positive...
  7. SOLD  2986 Day Megawhale 82p2plr 85lead 490+ rainbow Rare Units

    2986 Login Day Global Whale - 82P2PLR 45 Rainbow - 85 58-Cost 70 Rainbow new Android17/18 - 490+ Full Rainbows - Over 2k Coins DB HerO - Rare Units Mono Type- big Kais - Orbs - T7BZ#8017 For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we...
  8. SOLD  2850Day Global Whale 7000 STONES - 2000Kais

    2850 Day Global Dokkan - 7000 STONES on Android - over 4000 Red Coins - Over 2000 Grand Kais - Over 320.000 Orbs Each Type - T7BZ#8017 For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST...
  9. SOLD  2760 Day Big Global Whale 83LR 65Rb 76rb lead 7k coin Rare Units

    Hello i am looking to sell this big Whale. The price is 480€ (Euro) For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST use this Discord. Be Aware of Fakers!!! Payment Methods: Paypal F&F /...
  10. SOLD  Megawhale Glb 3000 Login Days !!! 85/85LR 87/87Lead Perfect Collection 670 RB

    Super Rare Megawhale 3000 Login Days ALL 85/85 LR ALL 87/87 58-Cost New SSJ Trio at 79% 678 Full Rainbows Massive Collectable Characters All Arale - Obotaman - General Blue - DB Hero - WT Over 3000 Coins My Discord > T7BZ#8017 Price for the Account = 720€ (Euro) !!!!! For fast...
  11. Trading Whale JP Dokkan

    https://imgur.com/a/3Twvilp Trading 61 summonable LR 69 58 Cost 22 200% Has New vegito and zamasu Has rare cards
  12. (2100 Login days) whale Global dokkan for trade

    60 summonable LR 74 58 Cost 2100 Login Days Rare cards 330 Rainbows Has new Vegito and Zamasu
  13. Global Whale Endgame Dokkan Rank 700+ For sale

  14. SOLD  2.2Mio Power JP Whale 2k Days

    2.2 Mio Power JP 2kDay - Rare For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST use this Discord. Be Aware of Fakers!!! Payment Methods: Paypal F&F / Wise I often Sell other Accounts as well...
  15. SOLD  JP Whale with Dokkanfest Anni LR

    JP Whale For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST use this Discord. Be Aware of Fakers!!! Payment Methods: Paypal F&F / Wise I often Sell other Accounts as well check my Posts if you...
  16. SOLD  2080Day Glb 103LR 517-100%RB 1.7Kcoins

    2080Day Dokkan Whale 63P2PLR 20 RB - 71Lead - 517 Full Rainbows - Rare Units - 738 Red Coins - 466 Gold Coins - 526 Tear Coins For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST use this Discord...
  17. SOLD  2.1Mio Global Whale 107LR - 77Lead 518Full RB

    2.1Mio Global Whale - 68P2PLR 24RB - 77Lead 40RB new Piccolo - 518 Full Rainbow Units - 175LL10/10 - DB Her0 - WT Units - 300Kais - 2k Coins - 1600+ Login For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish...
  18. SOLD  2768-Day Whale GLB 66p2plr 79lead(both new) 501RB

    2768-Login- Day Whale Global - 66P2PLR 79Lead (new Goku & Piccolo) - 501 Full Rainbow Units - Super Rare OG Characters (Arale, Obotchaman, General Blue…) 1.4Mio Power - 2K+ Coins - DB Hero - WT Units For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we...
  19. SOLD  2400Day Global 572 Rainbows 67P2PLR 80 Ldr

    2400* Day Global - Rare Units 67 P2P 80 58 Leader - 572 RainbowUnits Full !!! For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I JUST use this Discord. Be Aware of Fakers!!! Payment Methods: Paypal F&F /...
  20. SOLD  3.3 Mio Rank 999 Megawhale 650 Rainbow

    Rank 999 3.3 Mio Global 3.3 Mio Power Global Whale Rank 999 - 69 P2P LR - 80 - 58 Lead - 655 Full Rainbow Units !!! - 420 LL10/10 Units - Beast WT Units - DB Her0 - 1700+ Day Login For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade...
  21. SOLD  2480Day Mega JP 117 LR 80 Lead

    Rare 2480+ Day JP 117 LR 2480+ Day JP Whale - 117 LR - 74P2P 29RB - 80Lead 51 RB new Piccolo - 483 Rainbow + Ton of 4Path - Rare Units!!! - 4777 Red Coin 2449 Gold Coin For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian...
  22. Selling Good Dokkan Account/Looking for offers

  23. SOLD  2KDay Glb 65P2P LR New Piccolo 72 Lead 4k Coin

    Payment via Paypal F&F / Wise For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course as you wish I Sell other Accounts as well check my Posts if you are looking for Dokkan Whales !!!
  24. SOLD  BigWhale 104 LR Over 600 Rainbow ! 77/77Lead 6.6K Coin

    Selling B I G Global Whale 67/70 LR 50 Rainbow 77/77 Lead 65 Rainbow 104 LR Total 604 Full Rainbow Units 4156 Red Coin 1987 Yellow Coin 336 Blue Coin 341 Tear Coin 9/10 Mono Type Supporters 295 Clean EZA Units 275 Link Level 10 2.3 Mio Power Level 1560+ Login Days Almost ALL Units acquired...
  25. SOLD  2kday 1.3 Mio Global 56p2p 71lead Cheap

    https://imgur.com/a/GgQC6JA 2000+ Day Whale Global 1.3Mio Power • 56P2P LR 3/4WWC • 71 Lead new Gamma 2 • 304 RB Total • 270 Clean EZAs !!! • 141 LL10 • Massive Orbs For fast response add me on Discord T7BZ#8017 100% positive Feedback If you want to offer we can use Trade Guardian of course...