
  1. GXB2 s4xx 3.4M power vip 5 check it up !

    Hello, i'm here to sell my main GXB2 account, since i want to move on other server with a friend. Patrol > 100 nightmare. (Done.) Test > 1000. (Done.) I will play daily on the account untill it sold, the price will increase if the power increase. Dm me here or on discord with your offer thanks...
  2. LVL 77 Mid Game Acc/ 9 nat5 units/ Cheap!

    Hey guys, im selling my Dragalia Lost Account. Its a Mid Game Account at LVL 77 and with 9 natural 5Star Adventures and 5 natural 5Star Dragons(Agni,Garuda,Leviathian,Cupid,Jeanne d‘arc) Facility is around 370. Started the Game right after the Halloween Event. Price is 50$ via Paypal (taking...
  3. 55k account Evo Pd8/10 Evo Vlad, Santa, gholum,cupid, trixie,reaper, tree reve

    55k might account for cheep, 6 hero bases 8/10 4/5 zerk pd, main heroes all at at least 7/10 with good talents (pd,gholum,vlad,cupid,trixie,santa) plenty of HB and soooo many legends 64 to be exact:)
  4. New account 2pd+2cupid+ghomlum+dread Drake+pixie+aries+harpy queen+others

    New account that has lots of good legendarya. Includes 2 pumpkin dukes, 2cupids aries Dreaddrake harpy queen gholum pixie and other legendary like immo druid ninja etc, selling for cheep
  5. Nice Starter Michael PD Sk + alot more

    25k Account is has alot of legendary heros including Michael Sk pd cupid and more gem heroes I have pics but because I am posting from a phone it wont let me add them. Add me on Line Messenger for pics. Base is built. And has many books, 40k shards and tons of slime. $20 or best offer Line...
  6. Caslte clash IOS Mid account cheap (Pd,Sm,Sk,cupid, santa)

    Casltle clash MID Account for sale cheap Hi im selling my alternate account because i dont have time to play with it anymore. It has 44k might 120k honor badges Heroes: 1 pumpkin duke 9 stars ( + 2 extras for evo) 1 cupid stars 1 skull knight 9 stars 1 spirit mage 8 stars 1 santa boom 8 stars 1...
  7. Castle Clash 2 Accounts PD, Cupid, Ghoulem, Vlad, Sk, DD, and more!

    Looking to sell my 2 accounts, feel free to offer me Contact Info: kik - Skylar1267 (Will Respond Faster) Line - OhhChrono If you have any quesitons feel free to add me and talk Fine with using trusted MM if you pay, or you go 1st, I have some rep. ---------------------------------------------...
  8. NO Name Starter Account for Sale, PD Cupid Harpy and More Cheap

    I have 2 original Starter accounts for sale Really Cheap..... First Account (1) has A PD, Thunder god, Siren, Druid, Anltorie and Paladin. Account Has No name [/IMG] Second (2) Account has a Cupid Harpy Queen Druid and Immortep [/IMG] Both accounts are $5 each. I will update post if either...
  9. SUPER account, all heros except arctica, 122k might, NO doubles in altar!

    Super account for sale: This account has all heros except Arctica. No doubles in altar, every hero at least 7 stars and lvl80 inscriptions. This is the altar: - PD, doube evolved, 10 stars, skill 10, inscription lvl95, talent lvl6 berserk - Vlad, double evolved, 9 stars, sill 7, inscription...
  10. 35k might android acc

    14th 6bases 3builders pd,cupid,dk,pk,vlad,santa and others shards and non shard heroes. Line me: notrn
  11. Castle Clash Android/US with PD, Cupid, Skull Knight...

    Selling my Account because I dont play anymore. Daten: Name:Level:Skilllevel:Talent -Druid 180 6/10 5/8 Bulwark -PD 180 8/10 3/8 Lifedrain -Cupid 160 8/10 5/5 Revive -SkullKnight 180 6/10 5/5 Enlighten -Immortep 180 6/10 6/8 Wargod -Orksbane 5/10 3/8 Revive -Succubus 140 3/10 3/8 Heavy Blow...
  12. Selling cheap IOS starters

    Here's the list of accounts and price list : 1) death knight + druid : 10 € 2) thunder god + cupid : 15 € 3) vlad dracula : 15 € 4) ghoulem : 20 € 5) cupid : 10 € 6) harpy queen + druid + immortep : 20 € 7) reaper + paladin + druid \o/ : 5 € mp me on kik / line / skype at : dynnerbone
  13. 63K Might US Android Server | PD, Vlad, Santa, Cupid, Aries, Warlock, DD, Ork, Druid, etc.

    63K Might US Android Server | PD, Vlad, Santa, Cupid, Aries, Warlock, DD, Ork, Druid, etc. Selling my 63K Might account. Android only account, US server. Town Hall 16, a lot of upgrades done to it. Has 6th hero base, walls are level 11 or more, towers are level 9 currently. Has multiple...
  14. Insane 165k might account only 250usd!!!!!

    This account has every hero in game "except arctica". It has 165k might and is able to sweep HBM T and INSANE DUNGEON 4-10. It has the best talent in the game for its top 30 heroes and has 4 double evolved and 10 evolved heroes. Lost realm lvl 21 and a lvl 4 set of all the good crests(including...
  15. Double skull and warlock 20$

    ACC 30k might with 2x Skull Knight (main lv180 8/10) Cupid 7/10 2x Warlock (main lv165 6/10) 3x death knight (main lv156 6/10) Pixie and all shard no siren Very near the sixth base (20 days) and 535 Flame easily going up 20$ google play card Call me in line, id jRebirth Full email with all...
  16. Cc account double skull and warlock

    castle clash account with 2x skull knight 2x Warlock 3 death knight pixie and all shard heroes It has 30k might and skull 8\10 arround 20 days to sixth base If interested call me in line chat id jrebirth
  17. 80k+ might evo'd vlad and PD

    80k+ might HBM: s4 6 hero bases upgrading to th 20 4 builders all inscriptions on main heroes 80+ all garrisons lvl 3+ I want at least $120 for the account. If interested email [email protected] for screenshots I prefer the payment in paypal. main heroes: evod vlad: lvl 150 8/10 skill, 3/8...
  18. Us-android destroyer high level account cheapest sale hurry up!!!

    TownHall 19 Half way t0 20 6th Base HBM R WAVE ARROW TOWER 3 LEVEL 11 MAGIC TOWER 2 LEVEL 10 PUMPKIN DUKE 180LVL--->BERSERK 4/8--->8/10 MINOTAUR CHIEFTIEN 176LVL--->SLOW DOWN 4/8--->7/10 DRUID 167LVL--->BERSERK 6/8--->7/10 CUPID 163LVL--->REVIT 4/5--->8/10 MOLTANICA 163LVL--->STONE SKIN...
  19. PD+Santa/Vlad+Aries/Cupid Accounts and Starter Accounts

    Email [email protected] for screenshots and more info or if you are interested in buying accounts are all 20 dollars or more. Can be negotiated. I am flexible. If you want a middleman you will have to pay the middleman fee yourself. Account 1: Vlad Aries Reaper Druid TG and more level 120+ Might...
  20. ( Android ) I trade this Cupid+Orksbane+Snowzilla+Aries acc

    Hi i m looking for a pd acc, this acc I'm trading is 5k in us server, interested talk to me on line: erreapent that's mi ID
  21. [iOS]11k might smurf PD, CUPID, ORC, DK, WARLOCK, + more!

    Hello, today I am selling my smurf account on iOS! The account has PD and Cupid so $65 is a great deal in its own! Below are some screenshots. I will provide my contact info in a private message ONLY! So you must contact me here! *side note* I may also trade for World of Warcraft items /...
  22. Android Us - Cupid & Siren

    looking for google card 50usd
  23. 78k might account for sale!

    Pumpkin duke, Cupid, vlad Dracula, treantaur, Druid (of course), death knight, orksbane, spirit Mage, Aries, etc. 69/70 heroes in alter are legends. Level 15 in lost realm. Average 1500-2000 in arena. Farm HBM P. 2300 fame. Average 800-900 season points in lost battlefield. Need more...
  24. NONAME Cupid + Santa Boom + Death Knight + 2 Druid FOR PD+Cupid account

    Cupid + Santa Boom + Death Knight + 2 Druid trade for PD+Cupid (starter if you can) account. You go first or take a Middleman (FEE ON YOU)! (If you want to buy this account send a private message with a prize.) Screenshots:
  25. Castle Clash Account with Vlad,Cupid,And PD

    I am looking to buy an account with vlad, Cupid, and a pd on it, I will pay fairly in regards to talents and level of the heroes, I would prefer a lower migbt account and build it up from there, I am not looking to spend a ton of $, but message me on kik with your account and price or send me am...