• Trade Guardian is recommended. EpicNPC does NOT use Discord. We only investigate disputes if Trade Guardian is used.


  1. SOLD  ❄️ Cube Miracle | Fresh Starter | Xuan Pin Cecilia Gaius Clara

    ❄️ Cube Miracle ❄️ Lvl 32 Single link: Google Payment : paypal, binance 120 usd if fnf or 126 usd if gns Dm me on epicnpc conversation or Add me on Discord Kenkainano#4309
  2. Cecilia Starter Account, 10€

    Cecilia Starter Account Everything isnt touched yet Story currently charter 7 Legendarys: Cecilia Sun Wukong Ollie Abigail Brewster Ophelia Schimmer epics: Pandora Asenath Lots to do Payment: Paypal Discord: Marionetter#5363
  3. ----

  4. SOLD  Global Starter 3x5⭐Tang Xuan+Cecilia+Lewis+1x4⭐Chloe

    3 hot pick top tier units, some good 4* 3* units Global, unlink, map 4-3, 2x multi used Payment: Wise (prefer), Paypal (f&f only) Discord: Kan#3619 Price: 25$ (Negotiable)
  5. #WTS Cecilla + Ling Xiao + Wukong + Epic Sander (Super Combo account)

    Diamond Untouch 4 Ticket yellow Chapter 6.1 Available transaction at Transferwise If with midleman? fee is yours/buyer 50$ Transferwise only Pm my discord = Tumann#7431 Pm your best price
  6. Selling  Global Starter 2x5⭐ Cecilia + Tang Xuan + 1x4⭐Chloe

    2 hot pick top tier units, some good 4* 3* units Global, unlink, map 4-3, 2x multi used Payment: Wise (prefer), Paypal (f&f only) Discord: Kan#3619 Price: 15$ (Negotiable)
  7. [NA] Farmer John's Handmade King's Raid Account #1

    This account is a good account for those that want to reach the end game content but still have something to work towards like Apocalypsion Raid. Free name change is still available so you can choose your own name for the account. About me: I'm a long-time King's Raid player and I don't use any...
  8. [NA] King's Raid Account #2 - Cecilia

    This Account #2 focuses on a physical damage team starring Cecilia as the main damage dealer, supported by heroes that reduce cooldowns and increase damage. This is a good account for those that want a mid-game account that's touching the beginning of the endgame (technomagic) content so there...
  9. Global EndGame Account Vox, Juno, Rimuru, Cestina and more $20

    Price is still negotiable, just DM me on discord for your price. PM me on Discord Syntax#7342 for additional information you may have.
  10. Mid/Endgame 10ml nat 5 Global

    Ml nat 5: Faithless Lidica Last Rider Krau Remnant Violet Top Model Luluca Fallen Cecilia (with RTA skin) Sage Baal & Sezan Silver Blade Aramintha Arbiter Vildred Specter Tenebria Ambitious Tywin Alot of ml 4's including most of the best ones for pvp like tsurin (with skin), cdom and gpurgis...
  11. (Global End-game) 10+ Nat 5 ML, lots of +15, SSS imprints!

    Selling off my Day 1 Epic Seven account after a long time of playing and heavy investment, both money and time. Info on this account: - Account name is nice, original and no numbers/special characters! - Full-auto Wyvern 13 with 90% success with the current team saved. - Full auto all Labyrinth...
  12. NA Midgame King's Raid Cecilia 5* Main

    Selling my midgame King's Raid account, pretty solid account for a beginner. Only completed up to Ch.9 and stopped playing before the new guideline mission system, so there are still over 10 UW and UT tickets available left to claim. Still plenty of resources left on the account and left to...
  13. (US) 141K Matk Vanguard, Rank 133, 12 Puri tix, Lots of Misc Items (See Pics)

    weapons, armor, nightmares, jobs, medals at this link 290 Twilight Crystals 1,877,170 Gold 1 Royal Skip Ticket 11 Skip Ticket IX 1 30 min drop vial 7 10 min gold vial 12 Purification Tickets 211 Fire Dragon Claw 46 Fire Dragon Scale 54 Fire Dragon Eye 437 Water Dragon Claw 205 Water Dragon Scale...
  14. Customise your OWN DPS Account!

    Played King's Raid for 1 year+ Selling my account as I am too busy with work. My account has 1x UW Awakening Transfer Ticket so u can transfer any of my 4* or 5* UW to ur new selected DPS in the game. Have 37k rubies, 10x UW selector tickets + 10x UT selector tickets. With this u can easily get...
  15. Selling (asian sever) A2 10* Uw cecilia and pansiron

    Add mydiscord (Lieshiet#7835) for me details. Selling for 110$ Negotiable Easy clear all content: ToC, GC, SHAK BIG 6.... 10* UW Ceci( A2-18) 9* uw Pansiron (A1-15) 5* uw Shea 4* UW Xerah (A1) 4* UW Oddy and more support 3*uw (Pris, Larvil...) 53k rubies. 4,3k point LOH (buy skin Ceci new)...
  16. End-game Kings Raid , Cecilia 5* UW+SW(600k+ attk) + Pansirone 5* UW + much mo

    Since i have no time to play anymore i rather get something back from all the time/money i invested on this account. -Almost all heroes have UWs and their best UT/artifact some even have SWs and all very good gears. -With 5* UW Pansirone im pretty sure u can clear Trial 6+ if u get Oddy...
  17. [SELL][Asia][Valze10, Nartas13wSg1x3, Levia3, Lucius, Asmode, $150 dollars]

    Looking to sell my browndust, Asia Server account for $150 dollars usd. Contact me on my discord: ObiterDictum#4039 , https://[Social group links not allowed]/vFy4Y5 Notable Legend units: Nartas +12, Companion III, soul gears x3 - all level 1; Companion IV very soon. Valze +10, Levia +3, Lucius +0, Asmode +0, Celia...
  18. Trading 9x 5* hero for an account with Luna and Dizzy

    I'm offering an early game account with Sigret(2), Sez, Cermia, Chloe, Cecilia, Iseria, Aramintha, Baal and Sezan, Purpurio and Angelica for an account with luna and Dizzy. Doesn't matter if is everything level 1. I just want my fav heroes :( Discord: Red#0462
  19. (Global) [Double ML] Ken/Cecilia + ML Lots/ML Armin - $25

    Global 10 -10 story just finished (1.9k Skystones + 3 Gold Transmit) + more probably..been awhile Unlinked/ Name Changeable Paypal (friends&family) Only - $25!!! (super cheap, just trying to get it off my hands!) Discord - GucciGaming#1631
  20. (Global) ML Cecilia + Bellona - $15

    Global 10-10 Name Changeable / Unlinked Paypal (friends&family) Only - $15 Discord - Yoshi#1631
  21. [Global] Early Mid Game account ML Baal and Fallen Cecilia

    Hi guys, Today I'm selling an early mid game account, just finished the story and dropped an ML 5 unit. Information bellow: Rank: 22 Energy: 5200 Gold: 10.000.000 Leifs: 105 Gold stones: 4 Molagora: 21 Powder of knowledge: 103 Story: 10-10 Side-story: nill 5* Units: Sage Baal & Sezan Fallen...
  22. (Global) TRIPLE ML - Kise/Baal/Cecilia - $145

    Triple ML 5*s! 10-10 just cleared ML - Judge Kise - Fallen Cecilia - Sage Baal & Sezan (ML Selector Ticket on Sept 5th) SS Bellona (Limited) - Baiken (Limited) - Ken - Tywin - Sez - Iseria - Ravi - Charlotte ML 4*s - Blaze Dingo - Watcher Schuri - Shooting Star Achates - Assassin Cartuja -...
  23. (Asia) 3 ML *5 and All Limited Heroes

    Hi All, I'm selling my account as follow: ::Server Asia:: 3 ML nat *5 with Dupe Sage Baal, so basically will have 4 ML nat *5 on September. Comes with all limited heroes and nice IGN Arena Challenger Auto W11 B11 one shot baiken (3 heroes + fooder) Abyys/Tower/Raid (Normal/Hell) Clear More...
  24. [GLOBAL]early game, meta units lucius, cecilia, ana, seir, 16x5star skillbooks

    Updated [GLOBAL]EARLY GAME, META UNITS LUCIUS, CECILIA, ANA, FOXY, SEIR, SERENDIA and 16X5* SKILLBOOKS!!! Selling a Global Brown Dust account with meta units ranked in the top played games LUCIUS, CECILIA, ANASTASIA, SEIR, LILLIAN, HELL... This account is perfect ahead of the upcoming 6 Devil...
  25. Fallen Cecilia starter (Vildred, Luluca, Krau, Charles)

    Rank 29 starter Nickname: BunEXE (look me up in game :cool:) Global server Floor 24 in abyss 910 SS 5* heroes: Vildred Luluca Krau Charles Fallen Cecilia 4* heroes: Rin (only healer atm) 5* artifacts: Sigurd Scythe Noble Oath Rod of Amaryllis Wind Rider Also has aurius on Krau (y) Looking...