arjuna alter

  1. SOLD  NA/Global acc lv 120 Arcueid np4/Castoria/Koyanskaya/Oberon and more

    Female MC lv 140 Any questions just msg payment: paypal price 60 USD + mm fee 5* Arcueid np 4 Space Ishtar np3 Taira np 3 Koyanskaya of light np 2 Melusine np 2 Castoria np 1 Oberon np 1 Waver np 1 Arjuna alter np 1 Musashi (berserker) np 1 Koyanskaya of Dark np1 Ozymandias np 1 Demon King...
  2. SOLD  JP Arjuna Alter NP5 with full supports and Black Grail MLB + 2900sq

    🌟HM Alter Shop ( 🌟 =================== This account is FARMED accounts + Farmed accounts are accounts that clear the story's main quests and free quests to get more SQ + Rank-up quests and Interlude quests are still available + Birthday is not set + SSR Ticket are still available...
  3. SOLD  [NA] Endgame 33 SSRs (42 W/NP) - Full Supports

    Hello I am selling this Cheap Endgame FGO account and has the following: Story up to Traum Level 142 33 SSRs (42 W/NP) Full Supports (- Summer Skadi) All Major CEs such as Black Grail, Kaleidoscope Etc. BD Set Please see images attached Price: $90 (negotiable) Discord ID: Tengo121#0936...
  4. SOLD  NA 17ssr 28np - 4 Supports with Morgan np5 and Oberon np5 - 30 usd

    🌟HM Alter Shop ( 🌟 ===================== 4 Supports (Koyan Light, Oberon, Merlin, Waver) with Morgan NP5 and Oberon NP5. Other NPs: NP2: Brynhildr, Arjuna Alter, Jeanne Alter The story has cleared Lostbelt No.6. Birthday has been set. ==> The price is πŸ’΅ 30 USD πŸ’΅ Details can be...
  5. FGO NA Account 12 SSR Good Support $15

    Hallo everyone, i want to sell my FGO NA Account. Account LVL 127, bday unset, Story Avalon Le Fae, Free Quest untouched. This account have 12 SSR and many SR SSR Servant : Okita Alter (Summer), Nikola Tesla, Sakamoto Ryoma (Lancer), Merlin, Castoria, Koyanskaya Light, Koyanskaya Dark, Arjuna...
  6. SOLD  [NA] 51 SSR wnp , meta waifus, supports, rgb oberon 90$

    πŸ”₯πŸ”₯! WANT TO SELL !πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ FGO NA 51 SSR WNP (Tamamo No Mae NP4, Altera NP2, Orion NP2, Summer Kiara NP2, Charlemagne NP2) 😍😍😍 Triple Scathach, Triple Nobbunaga, Dual Okita, Tamamo faces, etc. !!!! FULL META RGB SUPPORT SERVANT INCLUDED !!! [ Waver + Merlin + Castoria + Skadi + Tamamo No Mae +...
  7. SOLD  FGO NA endgame 42/50 arjuna alter,morgan,oberon,summer kama,melusine, etc

    np 2 modred, archer ishtar, da vinci, assasin kama, berserk arjuna, edmond, kingprotea, abigail max cleid , -1 black grail, ce events 62 max skill servant 43 sq, 261 ga, 35 lore, 8 holy grail bd reset looking for $135 negotiable i'm accept trade+cash if you want upgrade your current account...
  8. Selling  NA Fresh accounts with combo supports Castoria-KoyanLight-Oberon (Feb 13, 25)

    🌟HM Alter Shop ( 🌟 Fresh accounts with 3+ Supports + DPS + Quartz =================== All accounts are FRESH accounts + Only finished tutorial (all story quests are untouched and still available to play that can be farmed for more Saint Quartz) + Birthday is not set + Master level 1...
  9. SOLD  [hmalter] NA Ultimate Fresh Starter Accounts 🌟 Castoria KoyanLight Oberon 🌟

    🌟HM Alter Shop ( 🌟 Fresh accounts with Supports + DPS + Quartz =================== All accounts are FRESH accounts + Only finished tutorial, story untouched + Birthday is not set + Master level 1 =================== Please check the list of available SSRs here...
  10. NA Starter Arjuna Alter NP4 + Koyanskaya of Light + Oberon fuyuki lv. 1

    3 SSR (6 with NP) Arjuna Alter (Berserker) NP4 Lv. 1 Koyanskaya of Light (Assassin) Lv. 1 Oberon (Pretender) Lv. 1 1 Kaleidoscope Craft Essence 1 Black Grail Craft Essence Clear tutorial only (Story: Fuyuki Chapter 3) 4 Saint Quartz 0 Summon Tickets 50 Golden Apple Birthday Unset Login streak...
  11. NA Starter Arjuna Alter NP5 + Koyanskaya of Light + Oberon Fuyuki lv. 1 300 sq

    6 SSR (10 with NP) Arjuna Alter (Berserker) NP5 Lv. 1 Koyanskaya of Light (Assassin) Lv. 1 Oberon (Pretender) Lv. 1 Napoleon (Archer) Lv. 1 Vritra (Lancer) Lv. 1 Li Shuwen (Assassin) Lv. 1 Clear tutorial only (Story: Fuyuki Chapter 3) 313 Saint Quartz 30 Summon Tickets 53 Golden Apple Birthday...
  12. 26SSR RGB support+hitter Morgan, Godjuna, Dantes, Spishtar, S.Kama $40

    WTS FGO JP 26SSR/29WNP NP 2: Morgan, Musashizerk, Gil 11 maxed skill Decent CEs Main story on LB6 70 SQ More details on my discord below or message me here Discord: alientronot Price: $40 MoP: Paypal/Wise
  13. SOLD  NA ACC | Godjuna, Muramasa, Kama, Demon king Nobunaga, tamamo dark etc cheap

    Server: Global/NA Story: Lostbelt 3, Main record 1.5 Psudeo 3, Still Many Free Quest ETC Price: $15 (offer) Payment via PayPal (FnF) or Wise Total SSR: 18(Now) Golden Apple: 263 Silver Apple: 130 Bronze Apple: 37 Quartz: 5(Now) BD unset Contact me DM's at Epicnpc or discord: Verifed#1937...
  14. SOLD  NA | 35/39 Wnp Rgb Supp Ft. Melusine/Morgan/Oberon/Koyans

    WTS FGO NA Full Meta buster - 35 SSR / 39 WNP - NP3 : Osakabehime - NP2 : Altera, Morgan - RGB Support & RGB Hitter Meta Melusine, Morgan, Koyans, Oberon, Arjuna alter, Nobulter. - Goods CE (Kaleid & BG - 1 copy to MLB, MLB 2030, MLB Bella, MLB CLT, MLB CTT, MLB Fou, MLB CDT, Ce events) -...
  15. na 41/47 wnp ssr account rgb support np2 arjuna alter/morgan/oberon/koyans

    Servants : Np levels : Saber : Archer : Rider : Lancer : Assassin : Caster : Berserker ...
  16. na 41/47 wnp ssr account rgb support np2 arjuna alter/morgan/oberon/koyans

    Semi whale. Servants : Np levels : Saber : Archer : Rider : Lancer : Assassin : Caster : Berserker ...
  17. fgo (na) - 41 ssr account - Fast sale

    Servants : Np levels : Saber : Archer : Rider : Lancer : Assassin : Caster : Berserker ...
  18. JP πŸ‹ 38SSR, NP2 morgan, NP2 S kama, NP3 jacque, merlin, skadi oberon koyan

    Whale/End-Game Acct. 6 Year old Account. 38 SSR's 88 SR's NP2 Morgan, NP2 Summer Kama, NP3 Jacques De Molay, Merlin, Skadi, Oberon, Koyanskaya, Arcuied, Koyanskaya Dark, Arjuna Alter and lots more. FULL SUPPORTS Kaleido, Black Grail, 2030, Chaldea Lunchtime + Teatime, Bella Lisa, Mona Lisa etc...
  19. SOLD  [NA] Endgame 28 SSR 30 wnp Endgame Triple Support Buster Oriented

    Hello I'd like to Sell FGO NA Account with Triple Support (Waver, Koyanskaya, Oberon) and Good Hitters (Romulus Q, Nero Caster, Semiramis, Hassan, Morgan, Arjuna Alter) Details: 28 SSR, 30 WNP (NP3 Hokusai) Story Clear, FQ from Salem Have a lot of Event CEs and Have Good CEs, Notable CEs: Black...
  20. SOLD  [NA] Starter 12 SSR Castoria Koyanskaya Oberon Morgan Melusine & other Hitters

    Hello I'd like to Sell FGO NA Account with current meta Servant: Koyanskaya, Oberon, Morgan Details: 12 SSR (Musashi, Nero Bride, Melusine, Romulus-Quirinus, Castoria, Tamamo Caster, Koyanskaya, Morgan, Arjuna Alter, Space Ishtar, Sitonai, Oberon) Story Orleans, FQ Fuyuki Have some good CEs...
  21. SOLD  [NA] Endgame 25 SSR 30 wnp Penta Support with np4 Oberon Good Hitters

    Hello I'd like to Sell FGO NA Account with Penta Support (Castoria, Merlin, Waver, Koyanskaya, Oberon) and Good Hitters (Superhuman Orion, Arjuna Alter, Jeanne Alter) Details: 25 SSR, 30 WNP (NP4 Oberon, NP2 Illya & Osakabehime) Story Clear, FQ from LB5.1 Have a lot of Event CEs and Have Good...
  22. SOLD  [NA] Endgame 21 SSR Castor Koyans Oberon Morgan Melusine Junao etc

    Hello I'd like to Sell FGO NA Account with Quad Support (Castoria, Waver, Koyanskaya, Oberon) and Good Hitters (Morgan, Melusine, Arjuna Alter, Space Ishtar, Summer Musashi) Details: 21 SSR Story Clear, FQ from LB2 Have a lot of Event CEs and Have Good CEs, Notable CEs: Kaleidoscope, 2pcs...
  23. SOLD  NA | 31/41 Wnp Rgb Support ft. NP4 Eresh/Morgan/Melusine/Koyans/Oberon

    For sale : Well Maintaned Buster Meta FGO NA Account. - 31 SSR / 41 WNP. - NP4 : Ereshkigal. NP2 : Muramasa, Jeanner Archer, Enkidu, Castoria, Morgan, Arjuna Alter, Kiara Summer - RGB Support (Castoria/Oberon/Skadi/Koyans/Waver/Tamacast) - Birthday can reset (Resetable). - GSSR UNUSED. - Buster...
  24. SOLD  JP | 62 / 80 Wnp Full support Ft. Durga/Tonelico/Morgan/Oberon/Kuku

    For sale : Very Well Maintaned FGO JP Account - 62 SSR / 80 WNP. - NP4 : Nighty. NP3 : Ozy, Osakabehime. NP2 : Muramasa, Moesashi, Arjuna, Odyseuss, Nemo, Davinci, Jack the ripper, Ibuki summer, Chu Alter, Himiko, Arcuied. - Got new Servant Durga & Tonelico. - Birthday Resetable (Available to...
  25. SOLD  [NA] Endgame 23 SSR 25 wnp Castoria Koyanskaya Oberon Melusine Muramasa Junao

    Hello I'd like to Sell FGO NA Account with Quad Support (Skadi Merlin Koyanskaya Waver) Details: 23 SSR, 25 WNP (NP2 Enkidu & Achilles) Story LB6, FQ from Babylonia Have a some of Event CEs and Have some Good CEs, Notable CEs: 2pcs Kaleidoscope, 2pcs Another Ending, 3pcs Origin Bullet, MLB+1...