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  1. Horde
  2. Alliance
High End
United States
Multiple Accounts
Member Since August 31, 2007
Trade Guardian Orders: 88
Total Feedback: 88
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TheGameSupply dot net LLC is run as a Social Business operating and being fully immersed and involved in the gaming community. We found that the ethics and support of many sites in this niche were lacking, and set out to provide our customers with a positive experience that so many of the sites that operated in this industry failed to provide to their customers. Social businesses are driven to bring about change while still generating the funds necessary to operate in their given industry, but stay involved in their communities and offer their customers a much higher level of support and interaction.

Questions about account selling? View our frequently asked questions here: FAQ About Account Selling

Full write-up on how to request a quote here: Selling Battle.net Account
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I think you've placed this same review on Facebook and we messaged you there as well however since no one is "connected" with you on facebook it's probably under the other messages tab on your end.

" SEP 26TH, 3:05PM Greetings, just saw your review about not receiving account information. We generally ship this information via USPS to your home. IF this was not received the best way to contact us is to put in a ticket here: http://support.thegamesupply.net/hc/en-us/requests/new
Game Supply

Make sure to include the email that your purchase was placed upon. We'll look this up and get this situation sorted out for you.

Thanks:) "

We've really no way to know what information you are requesting nor what purchase this is regarding without your submitting a ticket directly to us here:http://support.thegamesupply.net/hc/en-us

Please do not reply to an archived or previously solved ticket as this might go unnoticed.

Once we've received your request we will reply as necessary. From your posts in various places it seems that your purchase is fine and playable but you did not receive the security information via mail so this should be easy to address.

No one from our sites frequents this forum however and response times here can take weeks so I would suggest contacting us directly via the support link above.

Tickets will be addressed same day via email.
They will not give you id. they cannot. Its not legal. but sqa maybe is still coming in mail idk thats a little bit of a long time.
The secret question, etc OO ID. They said they would give me the information to access the secret question etc etc. Been about 2 weeks and nothing. It was said in an email I would get it. They emailed me when I first bought the account explaining i would get the information and that is the only time they have ever responded to me, but they only gave me the basic login and email, not the very important things for account ownership. I don't know if they are on vacation or whatever but what if someone's account got recalled or they couldn't login, they would miss the expansion etc etc.

I'm not trying to slander them or anything as im sure many MANY people haven't had my experience with them, but a lack of customer service response for two weeks and counting(using different methods like thieir email/phone)? Not even having all that was promised I would get when I purchased the product? I think thats kind of shady.

Edit: I also remember their customer support person kind of hinting they don't guarantee, something along the lines of "you will get the account ownership information in the mail". Which is okay by me, but to not enforce the security of the account and at the same time not actually give that information is very bad. Right now i'm not sure if I even want to use the account I paid for because something can happen to it and I would have zero power over getting it back because of the lack of that information, even though technically I already bought it and can login/play. This wouldn't be a problem if they just emailed me ANYTHING acknowledging im having an issue with one of their products i bought, but nothing.
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Ive been trying to contact them as well for an account I purchased from them. I still don't have vital information for the account I bought. I have emailed them about three times, called and left a message, and still no response for going over a week. I've had an easier time dealing with random people here.
I've been calling & sending emails & haven't gotten any replies apart from an initial quote.It's been a major US holiday recently sure.. but wasn't a few days ago & isn't today..They aren't answering their phone either.. (877) 424-0820Are they still active ?