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PS4 account with d2, cod if, cod ww2, overwatch, bf1

United States
Multiple Accounts
Member Since December 14, 2014
Trade Guardian Orders: 2
Total Feedback: 2
Selling my PS4 account that has many games with it. All the games are Digital downloads so they come with the account. Have Destiny 2 with all 3 characters 305, all exotics, multiple flawless, raid clears, 2.5+KD. Have overwatch with most of the skins, 3 seasons master tier. have horizon new dawn. have battlefield1 with expansion passes, have cod infinite warfare with pass, have cod ww2 digital deluxe with 1 prestige, a lot of weapon skins. message me if you are interested and i can provide you with details. Asking price is $400.