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Selling WTS EU NE account from season 2, Plat 3 atm

  1. EUNE
Multiple Accounts
Member Since January 15, 2017
Trade Guardian Orders: 12
Total Feedback: 12
I am selling my Platinum 3 currently account old from season 2.
The account has 97 champions and the following skins:
nurse akali, riot blitz, victorious elise, riot kayle, chosen master yi, victorious morgana, blackthorn morgana, pharaoh nasus, sasquatch nunu, glaive warrior pantheon, nutcracko shacko, ice drake shyvana, hextech, victorious sivir, Viking tryndamere, vindicator vayne, white mage veigar, grey warwick, imperial xin Zhao, project zed

Also it has the following skin shards: Gatekeeper Galio, Ice Toboggan Corki, Spellthief Lux

The account has 7 rune pages.

For more details and information please don't hesitate to contact me here or add me on skype at: zabuza_01
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