• We do NOT investigate off-site disputes. EpicNPC does NOT use Discord. We only investigate disputes if Trade Guardian is used.

Selling šŸ’ŽEsports Boosters | Premium Rank Boosting Service | MM & FaceIt

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Verified ID, 50+ feedback, member 1+ year.
EpicMember Upgrade
A member that has upgraded their account.
Multiple Accounts
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Member Since June 7, 2020
Trade Guardian Orders: 109
Total Feedback: 110



- Leveling is done by hand
- The person that is leveling your account is located in East Europe
- If the account gets banned during leveling, we will refund your order
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xgo.jpg Just click on picture to get actual offers and prices for new coaching and carry services!
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kartinka_dlya_sayta_filtr.jpg In this post, we would like to tell you about our staff, namely, our group of boosters that directly fulfill your paid orders for account boosting.

Our choice - your benefit. We always take a responsible attitude to the selection, training and hiring of employees, and especially boosters, because they are the ones who directly access your accounts. Previously, we hired just good players, with a high level of skill, who could perform the most complex and unusual tasks that are not available to other players.
Now we have moved to a new, more premium level. Now we only hire players from professional esports. Our HR specialists conduct long searches and thorough interviews to select the best boosters and conclude official contracts with team representatives. That is why in all our supported games, we are ready to provide you with the highest ranks and rewards that are not available to regular boosters.

Based on this, we form the prices that would be most fairly suitable for paying the best players in the world. That is why we always guarantee the best quality in the shortest possible time and value our reputation.

Price Policy. We do not want to provide a cheap and absolutely unacceptable level of service, we want to provide the best service so that you get the most unforgettable experience of boosting that no one else will provide. Our boosters play according to the most modern tactics, regularly train to improve their skills and do not hesitate to stream their work for customers.

We always tell our clients that if you want to find a service cheaper , you just need to search for freelancers-boosters with an average level on the forums, but if you want to get the highest level of service, with the highest level of security for your account and the fastest rate of order execution, you need to contact VirtyShop.

Not only boosters do their job carefully, but also customer service managers, with whom you communicate daily through discord, mail, and forums. It is about them, our representatives and the first persons of the company, that we would like to tell you more in our next article.

In the meantime, we are waiting for you with new orders. With love, VirtyShop team.
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kartinka_dlya_sayta_filtr1.jpg Dear visitors,

Do you prefer to buy boosting services only from trusted companies?
And this is correct, because boosting is a very subtle and serious matter, and this applies to your account. We support your desire to protect your account from fraud as much as possible.

We always welcome the transparency of our activities, so you can always read all our reviews from all forums and rating platforms at any time. In total, we have about 300 positive reviews on all the sites, and we believe that this is really an indicator of quality service.

Since the rules of this site do not allow us to publish links to all forums where our reviews are available, you can always ask us personally for these links, we will be happy to provide them.

In the meantime, we would like to show you our reviews from the world-famous rating site TrustPilot. Click here to check our reviews.
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Now we will report on the work done more often right here in the thread. From time to time, we will publish screenshots of the most interesting and voluminous orders.

Of course, all personal information will not be published, and the publication is agreed with the clients.
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Dear Customers,
We are glad to inform you that since March 15, we have a new system of discounts for customers on our Website.
Our hottest and best deals will now be displayed on the home page, so you can always find them easily.

Our new discounts:

  • Every customer after completing the order will receive a personal promo code for a 10% discount on the next purchase, do not forget to check your email.
  • Invite a friend and get both a one-time promo code for a 5% discount on any product. Before that, you must already be our customer and have at least one purchase. Don't forget to contact VirtyShop manager to get a promo code.
  • Become a Premium Customer, by accumulating more than $200 worth of purchases and get a lifetime 5% discount on all orders. The discount is combined with all other discounts. You will get your personal life-time promocode on email after reaching the goal.
We appreciate your choice and trust in us and will try to improve the quality of our service day by day.

If you have any questions about our services, please:

Very fast boost in CSGO!

Good booster, made it without Vertigo, thank you very much
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Dear customers!
Do you want to find out about the latest offers and discounts? Just join our discord server and get 5% discount instantly! :eek:
Just ask me about link-invite, you can chat there, ask any questions about our boosting services and find new info about our special offers.

On our server you can get a discount on all purchases up to 20%:cool:

We will be very happy to see you with us:love:[
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Fast and Efficient

Thank you to your team for the awesome service. Highly recommended.
Trusty safe boost! Epic score in MM and Faceit Really cool thanks bro

Trusty safe boost! Epic score in MM and Faceit Really cool thanks bro
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