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wts high mmr

  1. Selling  Selling Plat 2 71% wr (HIGH mmr) CHEAP!!

    Selling a plat 2 account with a 71% WR. Gains 28 lp per win and loses 11 lp per loss. It has a high MMR. Can easily skip promos/divisions. Price: $60 (Can be negotiable. Msg me on discord) Discord: Mokoro#6241
  2. Selling  6517 MMR buyout price ~260$

    Solo MMR: 6517 Party MMR: 4139 Original Mail with First letter Was buying only Dota+ 2 times on this acc, no games purchased Do have some PRO-Players in FL if needed. Do have FACEIT/ESL/Starladder/Epulze accounts and will give them with the account! Only with middleman from this website...
  3. Selling  Wts 5000k , 5600k Account

    Selling Solo rank 5000 and 5600 these accounts Add me on Skype for more information Skype:hans.zimmer97