space ishatar

  1. SOLD  NA/Global acc lv 120 Arcueid np4/Castoria/Koyanskaya/Oberon and more

    Female MC lv 140 Any questions just msg payment: paypal price 60 USD + mm fee 5* Arcueid np 4 Space Ishtar np3 Taira np 3 Koyanskaya of light np 2 Melusine np 2 Castoria np 1 Oberon np 1 Waver np 1 Arjuna alter np 1 Musashi (berserker) np 1 Koyanskaya of Dark np1 Ozymandias np 1 Demon King...
  2. SOLD  Fgo na 37/41 rgb support koyans morgan s.ishtar kama summer oberon meta acc

    37/41 ssr wnp gilgamesh, ereshkigal and morgan is np2, i forgot the other one, you can check screenshot 31 max skills 22 golden fruit, 109 silver fruit, 11 lore, 17 grail still have some farmable sq looking for negotiable wise, paypal, crypto
  3. FGOJAP Castoria SpIshtar Skadi Merlin-300+Apple

    DISCORD: soulpunish3r TELEGRAM: missingpromise (i will reply faster) METHOD: PAYPAL price is negotiable, contact me for price and other information.
  4. FGO Global | 22 SSRS (Koyan, Oberon, Castoria, Merlin etc)

    Hey Guys! sadly I don't have enough time to maintain my FGO account. My account was always focused on Meta (and Okita lol) Top Tier SSRs : Summer Okita Castoria Waver Koyanskaya Merlin Oberon Skadi Space Ishtar Arjuna Alter NP Highlights : SSR: Koyanskaya NP2 Van Goch NP2 SR Ranging...
  5. NA Lvl 131 - 22 SSR wnp - muramasa, musashi saber, kingprotea np2 - $40 USD

    Selling the account for not more interest on the game Looking for $40 USD, but we can negotiate tthe price! Can send message to Email: [email protected] Discord: heroytmx -> Lvl 131 5* Servants -> Senji Muramasa NP2 -> Musashi Saber NP2 -> Atila -> Saber -> Romulus=Quirinus -> Karna -> Europa...
  6. Selling  WTS FGO account 54 SSRs (77 WNP)

    I am looking to sell my FGO account as I unfortunately no longer have time to play. I only posted pictures of servants however I can send CE inventory if so desired 54 SSRs 77 if NP levels are counted Notable ones are Okita alter NP5 Spishtar NP3 Castoria NP2 Okita NP2 Notable CEs are 2 MLB...
  7. SOLD  NA $155 lvl 144 34 SSR (36 wnp) $155 Castoria sp. Ishtar Arjuna Alter

    Level 144 End Game LB5 Atlantis 34Unique SSR (36with NP) Super Orion and Tamamo Lancer NP2 332 SQ, 30Tickets, 207Gold Apples $155 PayPal fnf You can contact me in Discord: Aphrodite#8901
  8. Selling NA 26ssr/32wnp 2 Support With 17m Download Ticket

    Selling My NA Fate Grand Order account: This account has no login streak 25 Grails 800+ Golden Fruits 11 saints quartz 2 Kaleidoscopes Price: 60$ Discord: Buffy#1416 Or message me on here for more details or pictures Notable Servants: Space Ishtar Jeanna Alter Majin Okita Souji...
  9. Looking for starter account with these specific servents

    5 Star: Merlin Skadi Space Ishatar/Kama Arjuna Alter Summer Musashi
  10. 17 ssr wnp (penta supp. + np. 2 spishtar)

    Details: - 17 ssr wnp - penta support (castoria, koyans, waver, reines, nero bride) - np. 2 ishtar w/ skills semi maintained - story: LB. 6 - arts and buster loop team - bdset contact me here or at discord s9ras#3333 for more info/pics (pics cant be uploaded for some reason) :)
  11. LF NA FGO with NP2+ S. Ishtar

    Preferably Mid-Endgame Good Supports (skadi, Merlin, waver, etc.) Good CEs like kaleidoscope, 2030, black Grail, etc. Max Budget of $50 PM me here or add me on discord: Moziko #4683
  12. WTT Starter accounts - Skadi + Artoria + Loli Vinci - Space Ishtar

    acc 1 : $15 pp or LF : FGO-JP Morgan - Barghest - Tamamo Vitch Starter 7 days login +3 SSR : Artoria + Loli Vinci + Skadi +3 SR => Contact me by Discord : Mochi Đậu Xanh#6445 Acc 2 : $5 pp or LF : FGO-JP Morgan - Barghest - Tamamo Vitch - Starter 6 days login. +1 SSR : Space Ishtar +4 SR =>...