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northdale mage

  1. Northdale 60 gnome mage , 300 mining, 300 herb + email.

    Northdale 60 mage , 300 mining, 300 herb (no epic mount) This char is excellent for farming. He is not super geared, has ToEP and briarwood reed trinkets, mostly +frost gear and dm blues. Character is clean as far as rep goes, nobody is going to know its a different person playing as i have...
  2. Northdale, Priest lvl 40 (Human,Female) Mount , Tailoring!

    [Northdale] Sever - Lightshope,Northdale Class - Priest Level - 40 Race - Human, Female Proffesions - Tailoring Mount - 60% PvP Rank - 1 Clear Email live:kuzy_97 yasusha#0683