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  1. Selling  [NA] 2150WN8 + 57%WR + 29.3M Credits

    Account Stats: Battles: 10000+ WN8: 2150+ WR: 57.7% Credits: 29.3 million Free Exp: 216,000+ Tier X: E-100 , Foch 155 researched, STB-1 researched Tier IX: E50, E75, JT, Type 61 Tier VIII: AMX1390, AMX AC 48, Ferdinand, Lowe, IS-3, KV-4, STA-1, T32, Pershing, KV-5 Account includes many more...
  2. *WoN World 39 Level 40 Comes with three super bases*

    Hello, I am looking to sell my world 39 account at level 40. I have three 34's on this account, with a total of 165 m BP. It is a new world and if you want a fresh start ahead of multiple players, then this should be for you. Dropped 1K here ( I defiantly will not expect that in return )...