Looking to acquire a youtube music niche channel willing to look at all sorts of offers in relation to number of subscriptions and monetization.
Thank you :)
Discord: LeJonBrames#3098
I want to sell my Music Channel / 60s -70s Rock / because I don't want work with it any more.
Subscribers: 21.941
Video Views : 6,488,120
Watch Time: 14,581,938
No copyrights...all clear.
Channel type: Music
European account, but most of my viewers coming from USA, UK.
100% real...
- I will only use Trade Guardian/Middleman to ensure safety for both parties
- Price is negotiable
- Screenshots of statistics are provided down below
- BTC is the only form of payment allowed
- USA is TOP viewing country & subscribed country by far (42%)
- Monetization is disabled
- Lifetime...
>Channel is MONETIZED and Verified
>Will only use Trade Guardian/Middleman so feel safe and secure
>USA, UK, Germany, Canada, France as top Watchtime
>Music Niche. Can be rebranded.
>Try to inbox with your Offer
>All necessary Screenshots displaying a full and clearinfo about Channel uploaded...
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