Donor status account (no queue wait times and rare mounts +50$ worth)
WotLK server (Deathwing):
Very close to Best in slot rogue with both PvP and PvE gear with 2k+ rating 2s with spectral tiger mount and maxed professions with 3.5k+ arena points Sergeant Major title
mediocre gear shaman...
Selling account with 523 points + 326 votepoints
Account is 2+ years old.
Coins are expiring in ~ 1 month 2 weeks (roughly 50 days)
Nothing worth mentioning on account except the currency.
Price = Gold on Nostalrius hordeside.
Middleman will be used at your expense...
WoW Private Server: Molten
Selling account with 597 points + 370 votepoints
Account is 2+ years old.
Coins are expiring in ~ 1 month 2 weeks (roughly 50 days)
Had shadowmourne on my earlier char, which means you can purchase it again on this account.
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