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  1. SOLD  Starter NA Fitria + Mirian (guarantee on Kaguya) + 2 ticket

    just sent ur email for linked this acc payment: Paypal, Wise, Binance, Local Bank, or Local E-Wallet PM on epicnpc or discord: febiaboy (without nitro)
  2. Customise your OWN DPS Account!

    Played King's Raid for 1 year+ Selling my account as I am too busy with work. My account has 1x UW Awakening Transfer Ticket so u can transfer any of my 4* or 5* UW to ur new selected DPS in the game. Have 37k rubies, 10x UW selector tickets + 10x UT selector tickets. With this u can easily get...
  3. End Game Asia Mirianne A2 Esker etc with High Supports for GC

    ASIA - SERVER Details * MIRIANNE *5 uw *5 ut swAdv2 +20 * ESKER *5 uw *4 ut (fb 15%) swAdv1 +18 * ARTEMIA *5 uw *2 ut swAdv1 +13 * ODDY *5 uw *2 ut swAdv1 +10 * LAVRIL *5 uw *4 ut swAdv0 +10 * SHEA *5 uw *1 ut swAdv0 PRICE for 300$ negotiable BENEFIT * Ready LoV & LoH (much heroes) road to...
  4. Level 100 account - 4* uw mirianne, 4* uw theo, 2* uw yanne, gladi, may

    I have a level 100 account with T5 Heroes: 4 star UW Theo w/ 0 Star UT(S2, S3) 4 Star UW Mirianne w/ 0 star UT(S3) 2 Star UW Yanne w/ 0 Star UT(S3) 0 Star UW Gladi (NPC Hero) 0 Star UW May (NPC Hero) w/ 0 Star UT(S3) 0 Star UW Seria (New hero) 2 Star UW Roi 0 Star UW Frey w/ 0 Star UT(S2) 1 Star...
  5. Level 99 Account - Two 4 Star UWs, etc PayPal

    Hello all, I am selling a level 99 NA Account. Below are links of the heroes, UWs and UT as well as images of my inventory. Some of The Resources: 1.5b gold, 4767 Rubies (+76 Large Ruby Flasks), 2860 Unique Framents, 1495 Unique Treasure Frag, 3437 Artifact Pieces, 1790 Stamina Potions, 102...