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lr acc

  1. SOLD  Epic Fresh Global Account (Alot of LRs and Dokkan Fests!)

    Rank 285 FRESH STORY! Only done few story events and EZAs so plenty to farm! Whaled on this account that's why could get this many units! Have 500 Gold medals saved up for LR of YOUR CHOICE! Reason for selling, too busy in personal life now so cannot make time to play Check images for full...
  2. JP account with about 7 Lr and 4-6 Lr’s that still need awakening

    Selling my JP account for around 40 dollars or maybe 30-35, oh and it also has the new Lr Android 17 with Lr ultra instinct goku If interested please text me though discord (Jose...🤡✨💀#1957)
  3. Dokkan Battle Global IOS Endgame

    Hi, I sell my Dokkan Global IOS Account, I have 46 LR in total between Free and Summon LR, i have 22 Summon LR and 73 Dokkan Festival, In Summon LR, 9 of this are Dokkan Festival LR. My rank is 519 STA 198 4 Stone All Extreme Z Battle Farmed All Story Farmed All Event Farmed 1200+ Log in Day Lot...
  4. JP Account Fresh, vegeth + gogeta blue and high ability character only 10 eur

    Discord: zMarkrow#8585 Contact me if you want to buy, or more info.
  5. Dokkan Battle Global Account 22 LR + a lot of class leader

    There you can find the photo, Price is 50€, contact me on Discord zMarkrow#8585 https://ibb.co/CtFNTpt https://ibb.co/LkRSnrp https://ibb.co/bBwp7cp https://ibb.co/4Fgz2Xd https://ibb.co/L0HgJG1 https://ibb.co/TB9z6zP https://ibb.co/kGs9P1n https://ibb.co/Zz03skK https://ibb.co/yNc7VCH...
  6. Selling  Selling endgame 16 LR account

    Selling this looking to get 20$ Paypal its endgame some LRs have dupes 2 a few 1 LR kale and caulifa has 3, pm or post here if you have questions.
  7. Dokkan glb - 11LR - 25usd - Endgame

    Sell a dokkan Endgame account 25usd Gohan AGL LR - 2 dupes Cell INT LR - 1 dupes Majin Vegeta - 1 dupes A lot of dokkan festival with dupes - Gogeta agl 3 dupes - vegito teq rainbow- black str rainbow If you want any screenshot, contact me on discord Darkseid92#1585
  8. selling my account / 16 LRs / rank 271 / 600+ stones / click for more details

    account info: global android name - Bluewolf12 zeni - 437402247 stones - 615 days logged in - 333 LRs awaken menu - characters owned - selling for 160usd negociable - paypal dm if interested
  9. STACKED Dokkan battle account With 13 LR’s

    Dokkan battle jp for sale rare and stacked account. LEVEL 267, 13 LR If unable to contact me you can reach me at Instagram:mad:dat_one_car_clown Discord: DLCSimulator420#8607 For the pictures of the account
  10. WTT Farmed android JP account with 7 LRs for a GLB with 1500+ stones

    My JP account has 7 LRs (6 awakened 1 unawakened) Inc Cale and kaulifla and Goku and frieza, several top tier TURs such as AGL Zamasu, TEQ Trunks, AGL Gogeta, PHY Broly among many others, many with dupes some with several dupes. Almost everything has been farmed besides some SBRs the legendary...
  11. Amazing cheap global accounts holy moly !!!!!

    Hi, im selling 3 Accounts so fricken cheap. Paypal F & F https://www.epicnpc.com/threads/1380091-Cheap-beas-acc-global-rainbow-teq-vegito-great-units-with-lots-of-dupes-!! only 25 € Paypal...
  12. LR Gohan, LR Broly, LR Goku Black Account!

    https://imgur.com/gallery/92z4O Story is only completed on normal, hard and z hard are not completed. Broly is SA 20 and gohan is SA 20. Msg me offers! ^-^