lol account shop

  1. [EUNE/EUW] shakyey's account shop [✔] Cheap [✔] Fast

    Welcome to my account shop! Most of these accounts are my smurfs, although few of them are from reselling. If you are interested feel free to hit me up in skype! I deal only with middleman. skype: shakyey EU West Account #1 24 level Champions: 15 Skins: 1 - Ufo Corki IP: 1693 with 27...
  2. Gold LAN account with 56+ skins ( gold border )

    jpg of skins : [/URL][/IMG] The account have 4050 RP, you can switch to another server, have 95 + champs, i dont have a price in mind, so post your offers !!
  3. MAIN LoL Account 100+ champs [Verified] [Middleman] [100+ positive feedback]

    SOLD Selling League of Legends (Main account) - You will get 100% secure account from Verified Member with 100+ positive feedback score (as you can see on my profile)