lol account platinum

  1. [EUW] Original Owner Platinum 3 S6| All Champs | 140 Skins | 20 Full Rune Pages

    [EUW] Original Owner Platinum 3 S6| All Champs | 140 Skins | 20 Full Rune Pages Decided to sell my account as game just doesn't do it for me any more. Season 3 Gold 1, Season 4 Diamond 4, Season 5 Platinum 1 (was Diamond 3 but decayed), Current Season Platinum 3. I have a ridiculous amount...
  2. Platinum V, 125 Champs.

    124 Champs. 20 Rune pages. 75 Skins. :):)Pulsefire ez, Spirit Guardian Udyr, kitty Cat Katarina, Victorious Morgana and Elise, Bewiitching Nidalee, Leopard Nidalee, Riot Blitz, Dragonblade Riven, and others. 80€, paypal.
  3. S4 Plat 1 39 pts, S5 Unranked w/ runes pages & skins etc..

    Hello everyone, I will be selling my Platinum account. S4 Plat 1 39 pts, S5 Unranked 90+ Champions Limited Edition Icons! Loads of Skins + Rare OG log in user name (if that matters to you) 245 RP, 6622 IP. 7 Rune Pages Up to date runes ( ALL TIER 3 ) Set to Korea(LCK), NA(LCS) runes. Skins ...
  4. Platinum IV EUW more than 95 skins

    Hello i am selling league of legends account on euw with good skins so let's start I dont have 3 champions and i have 15 rune pages full SKINS: Midnight AhriPopstar Ahri Silverfang Akali Infernal Alistar Little Knight Amumu Hexctech Anivia Blackfrost Anivia Red Riding Annie Amethyst Ashe...