i have many accounts for sale.
TANK 105 chronos ---> 30 euro
iss 103 chronos --> 20 euro
splioler dwarf 103 lvl chronos -> 20 euro
74 lvl kamael with sword two handed (also in the same account 6 more characters multiclass 50-60 lvl each char - to do daily) (more than 100 euro donates =...
Selling Main Eviscerator 105 / Dual Yul Ghost Sentinel 105 on Chronos, NA server.
Char has exalted armor\ weapon bow lvl2\ lvl 3 jewels, all rewards from 2 exalted quests \ mentor finished.
Accounts is 100% legal, never used bots\ hacks, created in 2012, no problems when u play from...
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