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halloween myrrh

  1. 2yr old F2P account, 157x 5*, lots of 4* with optimal IV's, >800k feathers

    Selling off my FEH account that i've been grinding on for about 2 years now. Link to screenshots: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ItGB666zanH6iSp8DIa1v-AJhcjgGd1m Currently has: Orbs: 211x Feathers: 814 853x Heroic Grails: 3 257x For entire inventory, see screenshot. Account has 157 five...
  2. Top tier account, +10 Surtr+10 HMyrhh+10 Laevateinn+10 B.celica

    Hello everyone, I'm selling a true endgame account for Fire Emblem Heroes, I've been playing the game since d1 but willing to stop right now cause of irl stuff and would like to get back some of the money I spent on it. Probably around 3k was spent on the acc but I'll ask a lot less cause I...
  3. Tier 19 with 84 Unique 5* and tons of orbs to get

    Not planning to play that much FEH anymore so I'm selling this decent account. It has 84* unique five stars and a couple units like Nino, Fae and etc that can be merged to +10 since this account has 600k+ feathers. Also most of Book 1 Hard and Lunatic story isn't cleared yet for orbs. All of...