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bb karin

  1. Judge Kise/BB Karin/A Coli/C Dom/more 5 stars included

    Hello! I have a fresh farmed Judge Kise account for sale. It’s stacked with ML Waifus including BB Karin, C Dom and A Coli. As you will see in the screenshots the account also has multiple nat 5 stars including Krau and Vildred to name a few. I’m asking 180.00 but I will consider offers, shoot...
  2. Epic seven Mid tier A.Vildred Account

    This is a Mid-Tier Account at level 59 with a good English name. Character includes: A. Vildred BB Karin General Purgis Aux. Lots Crimson armin A. Cidd, Ravi, Sez, Dizzy, Haste, Destina, Iseria, Cecilia, Bellona, Luna, Tywin, Luluca, Lidica, Sol. Email unverified hence u can change it to...
  3. Diene Luna bbKarin SRose Kayron Violet cLorina Destina asColi, max cp 222k

    epic 7 account with great chars: LIMITED OP CHARACTERS: LUNA (+10 skill upgrade, 6*) best oppai hitter ever AND DIENE (+6 skill upgrade, s3 maxed, S2 cd reduced, 6*) the purest girl with overpowered shield and buff. SADISTIC LADY KILLER: BLOOD BLADE KARIN (+4 skill upgrade cd reduced, full...
  4. Global endgame. 17 nat*: ML Aramintha, Ml Tenebria, Luna, Diene, Belonna, Kisa

    I'm bored, so want to sell my day 1 account. All event gear and chars are present. Good name, Challenger IV/V. Story completed on normal and hard. Normal raid easy to clear. Hard raid left upper boss easy as well. W11 auto 3man, G10 auto, B10 auto (easy 11 but need to up Jecht). Abyss 83...
  5. Sell cheap account, Diane, karin 6 , bb karin 6, aramintha , angellica....

    sell account discord : bahamutt # 8551 reason: second account which I can not use now due to lack of time pride: 50$ feel free to ask anything, I'm in discord ^^ extras: sigret, three 4* Ml, and Commander Lorina Missions 50%
  6. a midend GLB whale acc with 16 nat 5s + S.Rose + Diene + C.Dominiel + BB.Karin

    Selling a GLOBAL acc that I played daily. Moving on with other responsibilities. Will continue to do events and dailies requirement until the acc is sold. A lot of good runes waiting for more gold to complete upgrades. Linked with dummy email that you will have full control of. Discord ID...
  7. Buying any account with ML Karin / bb karin

    I'm looking for either asia or global account with ML karin. Active for offer. Negotiable. Looking at about USD 30+ Looking to deal within 1 - 2 days. Discord: stormR#4960