Trade Guardian Orders: 56
Total Feedback: 54
Selling Undead Male Priest 70 on PVP EU horde server
Transfer is open
Gear :
Holy PVE:
New updated gear and closer lookup here :
PvP Disc:
New items and Closer lookup :
Shadow :
Gear Lookup :
Titles :
Has keys for ALL HEROICS so you can do any heroics you want
Has been attuned for every single raid, Karazhan , Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC and TK and Mountan Hyal (BT quest for Rage winterchill)
Has title Champion of Naaru Title
Transfer is open
Account has fake name
Discord : Goldstash#9223
Skype : live:goldstash999
Payment : Paypal
Transfer is open

Gear :
Holy PVE:

New updated gear and closer lookup here :
PvP Disc:

New items and Closer lookup :
Shadow :

Gear Lookup :

Titles :

Has keys for ALL HEROICS so you can do any heroics you want
Has been attuned for every single raid, Karazhan , Gruul, Magtheridon, SSC and TK and Mountan Hyal (BT quest for Rage winterchill)
Has title Champion of Naaru Title
Transfer is open
Account has fake name
Discord : Goldstash#9223
Skype : live:goldstash999
Payment : Paypal
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