Selling [Qookka] 1-5 Male MC w 11 Limited + Limited Selector On + 83pull $50 / offer

Mobile OS
  1. Android
  2. IOS
Thread Types
Single Item
  1. Starter
Original Owner


Verified ID, 50+ feedback, member 1+ year.
A member who submitted an ID card.
Trade Guardian Seller
Seller approved to use escrow service.
EpicMember Upgrade
A member that has upgraded their account.
Former Mod
Used to be a moderator on Epicnpc.
Multiple Accounts
Member Since April 1, 2018
Trade Guardian Orders: 298
Total Feedback: 304
Price: $50 or offer

For any other combinations contact me
(But this one is already on my hand)

Payment options:
-Wise (Recommended)
-Crypto (USDT) - More open to discount if using this payment
-Singapore Paynow
-Bank Transfer (Indonesia / Australia Commbank / Singapore / others via Wise)
-E-money (Indonesia)
-USD Steam Gift Card (taken at 60% value, so you will have to pay 40% more)
or Steam credits via Market (taken at 60% value, so you will have to pay 40% more excluding steam market 15% fee)
-TrustAp (Escrow, buyer's fee 6%) - Accepts Debit/Credit Card (similar to paypal)
-Alipay (you must know how to send it, I don't know how to guide people to do it)

General info:
-Male MC
-64 standard pulls + 19 limited pulls + 12,9k silvers (64 limited pulls)
-Universal SSR Selector unused
-3 Limited wheels (Tawil, Thais, Horla)
-8 Limited chars (Helot-Catena, Tawil, Thais, Salvador, Horla, Tulu, Ryker, Hameln)
-Half Anniversary Wheel +11
-1st Anniversary Wheel +12 (will get it tomorrow)

Contact Method
Contact me here or via discord
@ mozaic2nd
(yes its a new discord).
User ID 1306875789228380210

Payment options:
  • Wise
  • bitcoin
  • TrustAp (EpicNPC Escrow - Debit/Credit Card), Indonesia/Australia Bank Transfer