How to buy or sell Wizard101 accounts

Original Author
Guide created by: Angel
What is Wizard101?

Wizard101 is a massively MMORPG released by KingsIsle Entertainment. The game is placed in a fantasy world where players can take the role of student wizards and take quests assigned by a headmaster and a staff of magic professors. The player's mission is to fight against the forces of evil and eventually become a known wizard in the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts.

Players can use sets of magic cards and fight enemies by using different weapons and spells.

The game was released in 2008 and it becomes very popular among players. This tutorial will show you some guides on how to safely trade Wizard101 on this website.

Selling Wizard101 Account​

If you're interested in selling your Wizard101 account you have to open the thread on the next forum:

First, open a thread with an account description, with everything that the buyer needs to know, and also with the account price and payment methods. If you are posting images please hide your account character names to avoid getting your account banned.


Log in to the game website and click on "Manage Payment Info" button and remove any payment methods associated with your account such as credit card or Paypal.

The last step is to prepare account details, account username, password, and master password which will be provided to the next owner.

Buying Wizard101 Account​

1. Carefully read the account description. First, log in with the purchased account to confirm that everything matches. Compare characters, stats, skins, and spells with one listed in the sale thread.
2. Login with an account on
- Click My Accounts - Manage and login with Master Password
3. On E-mail Preferences change master email and main email [make sure to open your new email and click on the link to confirm the change]


4. Change master and account password


5. Check if there are more usernames on the left side. Click in each and change email and password

6. After the last step your job is done and your account is ready to be used.

Tips for Buyers​

- Verify that the account you are buying matches the one that is being advertised.
- Protect your account by changing an email and passwords.
- Do not use your new payment method for the first 72 hrs after the purchase is made. Wizard101 is very sensitive to such changes so we highly recommend you to play with the account for a minimum of 72 hrs before you conduct a in-game purchase. If you are using a Middleman do not change an email that MM gave you for the first 48 hrs after a transaction is made. Instead, you can take the Middleman email and secure it.

Tips for Sellers​

- Make sure you have access to the account, password, and master password.
- Don’t provide the login details before a mutual trust has been established.
- If the buyer refuses to go first and you don't trust them, try using Trade Guardian and hiring an official EpicNPC Middleman to assist you in completing a secure transaction.
- Remove any payment methods associated with your account such as credit card or Paypal

We hope that this guide will help you to safely trade in the marketplace and also to help you to avoid scammers and malicious people. We wish you a happy trade :)