How to buy or sell MapleStory account guide

Original Author
Guide created by: Angel
MapleStory is a free-to-play, 2D, a huge multiplayer online role-playing game, developed by South Korean company Wizet.

The game has been released 2003. and from then it gained an expansion worldwide and gets available in several versions. In the game, players travel the "Maple World", fighting against the monsters and building their character's skills and abilities. Players can interact with others in several ways, including chatting and trading. Groups of players can group together in parties to hunt monsters and share rewards, and can also build guilds to interact more easily with each other.

In this guide, we are going to look at the most popular version published by Nexon.

Official website:

To list your Maplestory account for sale or buy one, you can do so here.

Selling your MapleStory account​

For sellers

To prepare an account for sale, make sure to account has been unlinked from various methods this game offers, also remove your phone number, and most important remove your payment method if there is any.
Also, prepare answers to security questions which you will need to provide to the buyer later.

For buyers

To properly secure the account follow the next:

If the seller sends you an email with account, you have to change it to yours [you are going to find it below why is this so important]. Take a note that there is a seven-day waiting period after changing your email before you can change it again.

1. Change email

If you receive the message Your ID cannot be changed right now. You must wait 7 days between changing IDs this means that email has been changed recently. This requires some extra steps to make sure that the account has been properly secured. Ask the seller to provide you a previous email where you will find Nexon Email Address Reversion Request. There is a link that allows the seller to revert the account so make sure to delete the link. If the seller refuses to share an email you can request him to screen-share with you and prove that the mail has been deleted.

If you successfully changed email then you can ignore the previous step.

2. After you change email click Account Overview where you can have to check if Two-Factor Authentication has been disabled and also if an account is linked with anything. This should be looks like on the next image


3. Next step is to set up your phone number, you can do that from Personal Info page

4. Password and security option will allow you to change password and security questions. There you can also find a 2FA option.
- Change password
- Change the answer to security question. To be able to change security questions make sure you have the right answers to the previous one.
- Enable Authenticator App and SMS

The last step is to confirm that Parental Controls have been disabled and your account is completely safe to use.