FFXIV House/Land Buying and Selling Guide Since 6.0 Update

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Guide created by: EpicNPC
Since the 6.0 update on Dec 1, 2021 housing and land can't be transferred directly to another player.


A new system was put in place that allows anyone the opportunity to purchase the plot/house. This means if you're trying to buy land or a house from someone, you can't do it without significant risk.

How to safely purchase a plot or house in FFXIV.

1) Buy the full FXXIV account. This method might not be ideal, but you're guaranteed to get the plot you want.

2) Use a 'House hunting Service". Sellers that offer this service MUST have our Verified upgrade because they will have to log into your FFXIV account to complete the service.
This method does NOT guarantee you will get the house or plot, so be warned.

House hunting Service

1. Find the plot/house you want to buy.
2. Contact a 'house hunting" service provider. They will have to log into your FFXIV account to obtain the plot for you.
3. The buyer will release the plot and the 'house hunting' provider, using your FFXIV account, will try to purchase it for you.
-- In most cases the service provider will use a bot to auto-click so they have the highest chance of obtaining the plot first. (warning: bot usage can result in a violation on your account)

You will have to negotiate the price with the buyer and service provider. Since there is no guarantee, make sure to ask what the price is if the service is successful and the price if it fails.

You'll then have to decide if you want to accept that risk.

3) Try to obtain the plot or house on your own. You can use a bot like the house hunting providers do or you can try to purchase it manually. The success rate is much lower if you try purchasing the land/house manually.
This method does NOT guarantee you will get the house or plot, so be warned.

Good luck and happy house hunting.
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