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type 59

  1. Selling  2570 WN8 | 59.20% WR | 17400 Battles | Type 59 | Object 907 | VK 7201

    Hi, I'm selling my old World of Tanks account. Reason being, I tried to make a comeback to the game, but just don't have the time anymore. SERVER: EU WN8: 2570 WINRATE: 59.20% BATTLES: 17,417 CREDITS: 8,143,569 GOLD: 70 BONDS: 100 FREE EXP (CONVERTED): 2,344 FREE EXP (UNCONVERTED): 180,924 In...
  2. SOLD  Sold

  3. Selling  Fresh account with a rare Type 59 in garage and 0 battles played

    If you are looking for a good stat padding account and don't want to reroll your current one, then this is the deal for you! With this fresh ZERO battles account you can have the best possible start for your new account. Type 59 is an incredibly rare money-making tank featuring preferential...
  4. SOLD  GREAT acc | 30 tier X | VK 72.01, T95e6, Type 59 etc | 2200 wn8 + 57% winrate

    Hi there! Today I'm selling unicum WoT acc with 57% WR and 2200+ WN8! Almost 30k battles! This is definately enough to join almost all clans. Clean dedicated email included. ================================== Stats: Battles: 29500 WinRate: 57% Gold: 5000 Silver: 500 000 Boosters: 198 Personal...
  5. Selling  31k battles, 2600+ wn8, ~65% wr - type 59, kv5, e25 + sims, arkansas b in wows

    Hello, I have a WoT account to sell with quite good overall stats - 32k battles, 64,5% WR and 2,6k WN8 - enough to get into most top clans - Clan History is also quite good. I have the following t8 premium tanks in garage: leKpz M 41 90mm GF, Rheinmetall Skorpion G, KV-5, IS-5, M4A1 Rev...
  6. Selling  WoT acc, Type 59,26tX tanks, 55 prem tanks, 2200+WN8, ESL ready

    I am selling a World of Tanks account with 26 tier 10 tanks (21 in garage, 5 to buy) and 55 premium tanks, of which 12 are t8 premiums. Some of them are very rare and valuable such as Type 59, KV5, JgTig 8.8cm, E25 and many more. The account has been played since the game launched and I am...
  7. SOLD  7k+ Battles 1840+ WN8 Eu account with Type 59 and E 25

    Selling World of Tanks Account. UPDATE here are all of the tech trees: http://imgur.com/a/bMnWd Account is on EU region it has 7k+ battles played 2 tier 10 tanks and nearly Completed T-55A missions (Arty missions done, so you dont have to bother with them). Gold: 867 Credits: 7,495,816 Free...
  8. Selling  Selling WoT EU Acc 2200+ WN8 incl. Type 59, T22-Medium and CW-Reward Tanks

    Hello everyone, I'm selling my World of Tanks account with every premium and Clanwar reward tank + other rare tanks. TANKS NAMED BELOW ARE FULLY EQUIPED AND IN THE GARAGE! The account is ready to get used in any Clan and any Tournament. Tanks (Skills in a row) Premium Tanks: Type 59 (6Perks)...
  9. SOLD  17(19) tier X, 31 premium tank (Type 59 included), 57 tanks in total, 21k battles - CHEAP!

    17(19) tier X, 31 premium tank (Type 59 included), 57 tanks in total, 21k battles - CHEAP! - EU account - Battles: 21k+ - Personal rating: ≈7k - Overall win rate: 51%+ - Overall WN8: ≈1,6k - 15.000+ gold - 30k+ free exp (+ 184k+ ready to be converted for gold) - 4m+ credits - 57 tanks in garage...

    2 EU ACCOUNTS, GOOD PRICES AND STATS. RARE TANKS Type 59, VK 72.01K (NEED TO SELL) Hey my friends, I am selling 2 very different World of tanks accounts which I have spent a long time grinding. First and foremost I would just like to say this is not a scam, I have sold accounts before on other...
  11. SOLD  Great EU WoT account | 21 Tier X | Type 59, FCM, T34, Rudy, Fury | WR-54% WN8-1900

    Great EU WoT account | 21 Tier X | Type 59, FCM, T34, Rudy, Fury | WR-54% WN8-1900 I'm selling this World of Tanks WoT account on EU server + Clean dedicated email included. No telephone added to the account, so the account is ready to be sold. Battles: 30 000 Winrate: 54% WN8: 1920 Server: EU...
  12. SOLD  EU account with 21 Tier X + 12 Premium (Type 59,T34) WR-54% WN8-1920

    I'm selling this World of Tanks WoT account on EU server + Clean dedicated email included. No telephone added to the account, so the account is ready to be sold. Battles: 30 000 Winrate: 54.05% WN8: 1920 Server: EU Gold: 2000 (may change) Credits: 500 000 (may change) Free...
  13. SOLD  Selling WoT Unicum Acc 2800 WN8 incl. Type 59, Obj. 260 and every single CW-Reward tank

    Selling WoT Unicum Acc 2800 WN8 incl. Type 59, Obj. 260 and every single CW-Reward tank I'm selling my World of Tanks account several tanks got 2-3 Marks of Excellence | ALL TANKS NAMED BELOW ARE FULLY EQUIPED AND IN THE GARAGE! The account is ready to get used in any Clan and any Tournament...
  14. SOLD  (NA) 2k Wn8 - 14 tier tens - Type 59, Pz 2J, SU 76I, BT-SV, PZ IV Hydro + email-CHEAP

    (NA) 2k Wn8 - 14 tier tens - Type 59, Pz 2J, SU 76I, BT-SV, PZ IV Hydro + email-CHEAP Hello! Looking to sell my account on the NA server, the stats are as follows. 2k+ Wn8 55% wr 21k battles 4 million credits 400k free exp Tier tens - IS-7 - IS-4 - E-100 - Maus - E-50m - Leo - JPE - Wfe...
  15. Selling  Selling EU WoT Account 3500 Recent/2600 allround wn8 Type 59 Obj 730

    I am Offering my WoT EU Account with the following : Silver/Credits : 7Mil Gold : 3K Free XP by Play : 10k Free XP to Convert : 7.5M PS Mission Tanks : T28 HTC and Stug IV T5 Prem Tank : Dicker Max T7 Prem Tank : T23E3 ( Campaign CW Reward Tank ) T8 Prem Tanks : Type 59! 6 Crew...
  16. SOLD  Very cheap full optional account with blue stat and many tank researched

    Hello, i donw play more WOT and i wont sell my account. i sell account + e-mail + change of link to mobile number my e-mail [email protected] for contact and payment only via paypal 80 euro and you will have 500+ gold 40k+ free exp 500k credits rare and premium tanks t55a , e25 ...
  17. Selling  WTS EU ACCOUNT 150€!****** TYPE 59 ****** in garage + 4x TIER X

    Hello lads! Im selling account due to lack of time and playing other game (FIFAAAAAAAAAAAAA). I fought around +13k battles and win rating is 51%. Im not happy to sell it but I know that someone will take and care it fine. Price is 150€.Dont even write me if you want to pay too low. Please write...
  18. SOLD  WoT EU WR-56% WN8-1800 10 Tier X + 6 Tier IX + 12 Premium (Type 59, IS-5)

    I'm selling this World of Tanks WoT account on EU server + Email included. Summary: - 34 tanks in garage - 10 Tier 10, including 9 in garage - 6 Tier 9, including 3 in garage - 12 Premium tanks, including the legendary Type 59, as well as IS-5 / Obj 730 and Pz B2... Battles: 14500...
  19. SOLD  WoT EU - 11 Tier 10 + Type 59 + VK7201k

    I'm selling this World of Tanks WoT account on EU server + Email included. Summary: - 15 tanks in garage - 11 Tier X researched, including 6 in garage - 5 premium tanks, including Type 59 (legendary best credit maker) and VK 72.01k (clan reward tank)! Battles: 18 000 Winrate: 53.55%...
  20. SOLD  (NA) 2k Wn8 - 14 tier tens - Type 59, Pz 2J, SU 76I, BT-SV, PZ IV Hydro + tons more/email!

    (NA) 2k Wn8 - 14 tier tens - Type 59, Pz 2J, SU 76I, BT-SV, PZ IV Hydro + tons more/email! Hello! Looking to sell my account on the NA server, the stats are as follows. 2k+ Wn8 55% wr 21k battles 4 million credits 400k free exp Tier tens - IS-7 - IS-4 - E-100 - Maus - E-50m - Leo - JPE -...
  21. Selling  [EU] MAAASSIVE ACCOUNT! --- TYPE 59 --- 19x TIER 10 --- 2650 WN8 --- 5000 gold = 399 euro

    [EU] MAAASSIVE ACCOUNT! --- TYPE 59 --- 19x TIER 10 --- 2650 WN8 --- 5000 gold = 399 euro GAME SERWER: EU (Europe) Professional World of Tanks account! ESL and Wargaming tournament READY! CW ready! Team battles ready! TYPE 59 !! 19 x TIER 10 !! 2.650 WN8 UNIQE !! 5.000 GOLD GRATIS ...
  22. 22k battles, 1700WN8, 1350eff, 52,91% WIN, Type 59 and 11 tier X tanks[EU]

    -Tier X tanks(all in garage): E100(German heavy X)-3 skills IS-4(SSSR heavy X)-4 skills IS-7(SSSR heavy X)-3 skills Obj. 261(SSSR SPG X)-3 skills BC 25t(France medium X)-3 skills Obj. 140(SSSR medium X)-3 skills T62-A(SSSR medium X)-3 skills FV215b(British TD X)-3 skills JagdPz E-100(German TD...
  23. SOLD  Wot eu acc very good for cw/esl or personal use

    WOT-ACC-blue WN8-30k battles-54-WR-15xT10 + 11 premium tanks T34, SUPER PERSHING, CHI NU KAI, CHURCILL 3,FCM 50T , JAG 8.8, SU122-44,TYPE64 T55-A,WZ111,IEF105,E25 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3xLT (wz132,t49) 9xMT (AMX 30,OBJ 140,T62A,M26 PERSHING,BAT.CHAT...
  24. BOUGHT  WOT-ACC-2120-WN8-30k battles-54-WR-10xT10-WZ111+T55A+E25+IEFF105

    On my account you will find premium tanks : T34,, SUPER PERSHING, CHI NU KAI, CHURCILL 3,FCM 50T , JAG 8.8,, SU122-44,TYPE64 special tanks : T55-A(3 PERKS),WZ111(3 PERKS),IEF105,E25(3 PERKS) regular : LT = WZ-132(3 PERKS),MT-25(80% TRAINING),T49(2 PERKS) MT=AMX 30(3...
  25. Buying  WoT (NA) Account with Type 59 and <10k battles

    WoT (NA) Account with Type 59 and &lt;10k battles Looking to buy a fairly new account with a Type 59, (I don't care too much what other tanks are on the account as I still want it to reflect some of my skill) plz comment below or message me with tanks researched/battles/wn8 - - - Updated - - -...