sword art online account

  1. SAO MD Asia Server Rank 43

    PM me here or in Discord before buying thanks! DISCORD: MikotoAmamiya#7559 PRICE: $20 (via PAYPAL) if you have credit/debit card or for fast buying this heres a link of EBAY (alternative): https://www.ebay.com/itm/293127470972 SCREENSHOTS:
  2. End game whale account - AS

    Looking for an end game whale account, contact me on discord Okami#3265 if you have one
  3. D

    Selling  Sell my sao acc EU

    Hello i sell my sao eu acc Sell for 50€ With 581 gems IOS U can contact me for negotiate or info Discord alphakilco#8133
  4. Selling My Account because i dont play anymore

    Level 103 Attack:2.7k HP:47k Def: 2.2k Alot of items and Col. More than 50* 5 star skills. Asking price is 500$. Negotiable. Paypal only.
  5. SAO MD EU account with trophy unit Santa Yui + some other old limited scouts

    Hello, I am looking for a Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EU Account that has the 6-star trophy unit [Hungry Santa] Yui (lvl. 100) and [New Year´s Dance] Sortiliena + the 5-star trophy unit [Shamisen Rock] Premiere (lvl. 100) in it. And it should have 2 or more of these old limited scouts, too...
  6. [EU] SaoMD Rank 143 acc

    Selling a SAOMD acc rank 143, with lot of variety of Weapons ,8 r5 armors since I did the Makoto event(+5 memory fragments with 4 r4Stacia armor) and 250 characters (with 10 real CrossingSkill chars +7 Free CrossingSkill chars) . Add 1 new r5 from the exchange shop after this Ranking Event ...
  7. SAOMD 1000+ Days Account, EU. 50€

    Discord: Hiroto#2296
  8. [EU] F2P LVL 80 - 8 4*characters - 6 4* weapons

    Normal story done, most events done. Price : Offers. Payment via Paypal.
  9. SAOMD, EU Server, 1000+ Days Account.

    I am open for offers, contact me on Discord: Hiroto#2296
  10. SOLD  SOLD

  11. [EU] SaoMD account rank 140

    Selling a SAOMD acc rank 140, with lot of variety of Weapons ,3 r5 armors (+42 memory fragments atm) and 212 characters ([A Duty to Honor]Kirito MLB+signature weapon on it . I don t use it since i have an other acc where i am active . (no time for farm on 2) for the price, i ll let u send me a...
  12. [Asia] Mid game Rank 49, [Kirito, Alice, Leafa with their own 4* weapons] $40

    Account info: (Updated as of 6th December 2019) Rank 53 with 1351 cubes - 4* Characters include Kirito, Alice, Leafa [Kirito and Leafa are limit break 1 while Alice is limit break 2] (Free Alice as well, and young Serlut style thats being leveled) - 4 4* weapons (Kirito, Alice and Leafas...
  13. [NA/Global] Fresh Starter Account Start From 4$

    - Tutorial Done Only - 125 Gems Used - ID And Password Will Be Given After Purchasing - Android Device Payment : PayPaL Goods & Services (NO ADDITIONAL FEE) Contact Me : Line Messenger : hiruga Discord : hiruga_epic#0502 Don't be shy, let's talk
  14. (NA) SAOARS 3x4Stars or 4x4stars

    Looking for SAOARS account 3x4Stars or 4x4Stars But preferable 4x4Stars Looking for Alice*4, Kirito*4 , Eugeo*4 (with free alice) *Mainly want Alice*4, Kirito*4 & Eugeo*4 (with free alice) *Or Alice*4, Kirito*4 & Leafa (With free alice) Server: NA Server Add me and offer me PayPal Discord...
  15. My Main Account!

    Hi yes its me again- I'll get the screenshots of the weapons/armors and all of that At most this can be...maybe $20? Its negotiable of course but- Im starting out not too pricey haha. Discord will be dropped to whoever gets this!^^
  16. 12 6 Star SAO MD Account!

    You may choose how much you'd like to pay! ^^ Farmable account
  17. saomd EU Starter Account with elucidator and dark repulser

    Hello If you have a offer please sent. Discord: johaNES#5425
  18. Big Whale Account EU

    Hi, I want to buy a big EU whale Account Discord: johaNES#5425 Only serious offers please
  19. Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EU Account (day 1) with limited scouts

    Hello, I am looking for a SAO MD EU (day one) Account that has many limited scouts in it (preferable with over 270+/300+ characters in it). I am especially looking for all/most of the free/event scouts and the trophy scouts (upgraded) and the past limited scouts that don`t come back anymore...
  20. Semi whale account selling for how much it may be worth -rank 144 -6 stars: 56

    - rank 144 - 6 stars: 56 - 5 stars: 72 - 4 stars: 58 msg me on discord for more info or if you wanna buy: Jole#1982 images: paypal only
  21. SAO MD na or eu Account with Manga (Progressive) Asuna

    Hi I want to buy a a SAO MD Account with Manga (Progressive) Asuna. Please sent offers. Payment: Paypal Add Discord: johaNES#5425
  22. JP Account with rare exclusives for My Hero Kirito

    Im trading this account with Jp exclusives for an account with my Hero Kirito (any server)
  23. Selling SAO MD NA Account

    So I’m selling this account with my hero kirito and some mlb 6*s it’s a pretty good starter account *Payment must be thru family and friends* As far as price goes ill leave it up to the buyer to decide
  24. Selling Dolphin MD Account

    **STARTING PRICE FOR ACCOUNT WILL BE $250** (Negotiable) ~> Form of payment: *PayPal Friends and Family* - The payment must be received in order for me to give transfer info Have been playing MD for such a long time that I’ve decided to retire :,) final acc to sell for retirement ^^ This imgur...
  25. WTT/WTB My account to your alice/Eugo/kirito skill record

    WTT/WTB my lvl 60 account 7thflr to account with alice/eugo/kirito skill records. If for buying only cheap accounts but with 2 of those on the list only. Negotiable You can check my skill records here Feel free to contact me on Discord: GodSerena #6669