PM me here or in Discord before buying thanks!
DISCORD: MikotoAmamiya#7559
PRICE: $20 (via PAYPAL)
if you have credit/debit card or for fast buying this heres a link of EBAY (alternative):
I am looking for a Sword Art Online Memory Defrag EU Account that has the 6-star trophy unit [Hungry Santa] Yui (lvl. 100) and [New Year´s Dance] Sortiliena + the 5-star trophy unit [Shamisen Rock] Premiere (lvl. 100) in it.
And it should have 2 or more of these old limited scouts, too...
Selling a SAOMD acc rank 143, with lot of variety of Weapons ,8 r5 armors since I did the Makoto event(+5 memory fragments with 4 r4Stacia armor) and 250 characters (with 10 real CrossingSkill chars +7 Free CrossingSkill chars) . Add 1 new r5 from the exchange shop after this Ranking Event ...
Selling a SAOMD acc rank 140, with lot of variety of Weapons ,3 r5 armors (+42 memory fragments atm) and 212 characters ([A Duty to Honor]Kirito MLB+signature weapon on it . I don t use it since i have an other acc where i am active . (no time for farm on 2)
for the price, i ll let u send me a...
Account info: (Updated as of 6th December 2019)
Rank 53 with 1351 cubes
- 4* Characters include Kirito, Alice, Leafa [Kirito and Leafa are limit break 1 while Alice is limit break 2] (Free Alice as well, and young Serlut style thats being leveled)
- 4 4* weapons (Kirito, Alice and Leafas...
- Tutorial Done Only
- 125 Gems Used
- ID And Password Will Be Given After Purchasing
- Android Device
Payment : PayPaL Goods & Services
Contact Me :
Line Messenger : hiruga
Discord : hiruga_epic#0502
Don't be shy, let's talk
Hi yes its me again-
I'll get the screenshots of the weapons/armors and all of that
At most this can be...maybe $20?
Its negotiable of course but- Im starting out not too pricey haha.
Discord will be dropped to whoever gets this!^^
I am looking for a SAO MD EU (day one) Account that has many limited scouts in it (preferable with over 270+/300+ characters in it).
I am especially looking for all/most of the free/event scouts and the trophy scouts (upgraded) and the past limited scouts that don`t come back anymore...
So I’m selling this account with my hero kirito and some mlb 6*s it’s a pretty good starter account
*Payment must be thru family and friends*
As far as price goes ill leave it up to the buyer to decide
~> Form of payment: *PayPal Friends and Family*
- The payment must be received in order for me to give transfer info
Have been playing MD for such a long time that I’ve decided to retire :,) final acc to sell for retirement ^^
This imgur...
WTT/WTB my lvl 60 account 7thflr to account with alice/eugo/kirito skill records.
If for buying only cheap accounts but with 2 of those on the list only. Negotiable
You can check my skill records here
Feel free to contact me on Discord: GodSerena #6669
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